kept my attention longer than any other mmo for sure. I did want to get further into Heavensword, because apparently that's where the plot really picks up, but unfortunately I started to lose steam around then. Maybe I'll get back to it at some point.

I kick ass at fishing in this and I feel like I should be allowed to put that in my resume

Merchant Resident Evil 4 is my babygirl and I'll buy anything he sells me. <3

Really quick and cute, with a fun gameplay loop. A little basic in both the combat and the management sim aspects, but it didn't need to be super in-depth to be enjoyable.

short, cute, and so charming. This was the perfect palate cleanser after the behemoth that was Zelda: TotK. The best part of this game is the sound design. Which makes sense, since it's Kazumi Totaka.

Enjoyable enough that I logged nearly 200hrs in, so obviously had a good time. The world is sprawling and beautiful and endlessly rewarding to traverse, and the addition of the depths and sky were a lot of fun. The shrines were a little more varied than BotW, which was very welcome. Unfortunately, it just doesn't do enough different that it wows you as its own game. If you want to play another 200-300 hours of BotW (and a lot of people do!) then have at it! But there wasn't anything memorable or noteworthy of its own. All the characters were just 'see the old friends from last game!', the plot was paint-by-numbers when you had to interact with it. The shine of the setting has worn off, and I hope they do something fresh next game.
Also she should have stayed as a dragon.

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Overall a really enjoyable game. I liked the gameplay loop, the art direction, and the overarching theme of the game a lot.

I just... sure do wish that you couldn't date like half of your romance options. The game literally starts out exploring the traumatizing effects of a teacher physically and sexually abusing students, and then you sure can just... choose to date your teacher later. Thanks guys. Way to stick the landing.

I guess it says a lot how strong everything else was that I still would give it like a solid 8/10

a distressing lack of cardboard boxes.

One of my favorite games of all time. I love the art and designs, I love the music, I love the tone, I love the million and one characters you have to recruit in increasingly bizarre and arbitrary ways. It's not a perfect game, but it's perfect to me.

The gameplay is ridiculously fun and engaging. If you want to just skip the cutscenes and romp around the desert kidnapping hapless soldiers and capturing a truly absurd amount of gerbils, you're gonna have a blast. But the story. Ho boy. Look. Look. People will say that it's a convoluted mess like any of Kojima's other works. But it's... so painfully clear how unpolished and unfinished it is. None of the events come together thematically, the characters are utterly stagnant, and the whole thing becomes a muddled, incoherent mess. I feel like I understand what it was going for, and a stiff script doctoring could fix SO much, but as is it's a frustrating slog that goes no-where and has no internal consistency, even by MGS standards. Also the lack of any semblance of brevity or characteristic absurd goofiness in things like codec calls make for utterly bland doom-and-gloom characters and interactions that are just painfully dull.

This is the hardest game to review because you have to understand that the gameplay and everything else need to be judged completely separately. The gameplay is... as terrible as everyone says. It's not good. It's tedious, unengaging, and was a terrible idea. It's not a 1 out of 5, it's a 1 out of 10. And that's certainly a reasonable dealbreaker in. You know. A video game. But understand, literally every other aspect of it is perfect. The world is engaging. The areas are beautifully rendered. The scenes are cinematic, and the choices of when to guide you to partially interact are perfectly set. They pull all of the desired emotions out of you flawlessly, effortlessly. And the characters. God the characters. I adored every one of them. I was ridiculously invested in their struggles, and the balance between the world-level struggles and the small personal moments. I beg everyone to give this game a chance. Just grit your teeth and power through the idiocy that is the gameplay, because the story is so damn good.

It's rough and unpolished, but clearly has a lot of love and thought put into it, and if you can get past the rough controls and Ugly Geralt and can just kind of get into the swing of it, it's honestly a fun, charming time. It's not a necessary addition to anyone's repertoire, but it's not the unplayable travesty that it's been made out to be. I have a soft spot for Ugly Geralt.

This game is fascinating. There is not a single redeeming aspect of it. Every single time it had an opportunity to make a decision that would have enhanced its themes, characters, pacing, gameplay... it just merrily chose whatever the objectively stupidest alternate would be. I have literally never seen something so inept in every conceivable way. I could write a college thesis paper on this game.This game lives in my head rent free. I'm going to become a youtube video reviewer just so that I can make an eight-hour video gushing about it. It's like The Room of video games. I want to study the people who enjoyed it like specimens under a magnifying glass.
TL;DR It's not good. Go play it.

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I wanted to like this game so badly. I loved Kiwami to bits. But... the longer I played this, the more it frustrated and disappointed me. Switching back and forth between characters was clearly meant to illustrate their thematic mirroring, but in practice it bloated the game and killed pacing. Plus having to do multiple minigames and near-identical sidequests for both of them became tedious fast. I only finished Kiryu's real estate plot because I hate myself. Didn't manage Majima's clubs. And both their stories were... bad. While I understand a disconnect between gameplay and plot, Kiryu's arc included him gaining huge amounts of notice within the Yakuza, as well as becoming a real estate mogul on the side, but by the end he has to arbitrarily choose to go back to being basically a mook because the game's constraint as a prequel demands it. There was no character growth because there by design really -couldn't- be. And Majima started with a PHENOMENAL introduction, and I know that this was supposed to be his 'why is he LIKE that' origin, but I didn't buy into... any of it, for a number of reasons. I was largely bored by him. I kept waiting desperately for him and Kiryu to actually meet. Which they... never. really did? Also christ alive I HATED Makoto. I know and accept the sexism of Yakuza games. I can deal. Things aren't perfect. But Makoto was. A LOT. She's not a character, she's a macguffin suitcase with big innocent sad eyes, to be dragged along by the men around her, or sit in a warehouse and wait. And to ensure that she doesn't get ANY agency, they make her blind. She is more helpless than the literal 9 year old of Kiwami. It's so egregious.
So.. yeah. I don't know. I tried so hard, but this game did not do it for me.