Kinda crazy how drastically better this game is than the first
Still got a fair share of NES bullshit, but it’s made up for by the quality of the levels being far improved


This game made me appreciate Tunic a lot more
Because Tunic does the whole meta puzzle thing without it being really annoying and not fun

Pros: Visually very pretty and has a kick ass OST
Cons: Scrap Brain Zone Act 3

In this game Bahamut makes your drip worse

I feel bad for kids in the 80s

A somewhat underwhelming Zelda game is still a pretty great game

Being the best NES game is like being the coolest kid in middle school


Had to take a break from Zelda to play a REAL GAME!

If this game was just 20 hours of the Wild West chapter It’d be the greatest game of all time.
The world needs more Mad Dog

Wish I could rate the game higher, but unfortunately there are large sections where the game just kinda drags and it’s hard to ignore, especially in the last chapter. Final boss is a great finale, but the dungeons in that chapter are all really boring. The game suffers from inconsistent quality quite a bit, there’s a lot of great stuff but also a lot of fluff that feels like it should’ve been reworked. Had a good time, and sometimes was really impressed (Sundown and Oersted’s chapters), but there was a lot of room for improvement.

You know how people talk about Donald never healing you in kingdom hearts? That but it’s actually true

It’s a great ending to an excellent game, but oh my god Farewell just keeps GOING

At first, it seems like the controls are ass, but after a while you realize that the game actually controls alright. Then you get to world 8 and realize it’s actually the level design that’s ass

More Indiana Jones references than I expected

Pretty cool learning about the truth, wish the game didn't spoonfeed me the correct answer at the end though

This game is really great when it’s not actively wasting your time.

That being said, this game loves to waste your time