I love these little goobers with all my heart.

I initially played this when it was like.. first out yet I never did get to episodes 5 and 6.

My episodes ranking -

Episode 4.

Episode 1

Episode 6

Episode 3

Episode 5

Episode 2

Alan wake 2 Night Springs left me smiling all through out. Episode 1 was fucking amazing with its goofy role for scratch and the fact he’s an alpha wolf is the funniest thing ever.

Episode 2 is whatever. It’s bland, makes no sense. Disappointing because they brought back Jesse Faden.

Episode 3 was a delight as well. The unique styles they use near the end was really fun and creative.

Don’t know if I enjoy this game genre but with Sam and Max humor. It makes up for it. The antagonist is a little piece of shit and I hate his ass. Perfect game to start off pride month by the way!

I also love how it parodies the amount of useless travel locations we as a society have


This game is frustrating but it’s got charm. I’d say I’m a fan. has that unique charm to it. The artistic style never fails to disappoint in finji games.

I will admit I did use cheats to finish it but I got time on my hands. And I’m a pussy!!!

The final boss was just.. too much. But I get the story reason why it’s so great. With no spoilers of course. The endings were also dark to borderline cute.

So due to its length, I’m probably not gonna read it a few stars, but I will say that the game has serious charm. Rambley is such a great addition. He pretty much carries the game and I’m pretty sure as chapters come out. he will continue to do so

Standard mascot horror gameplay otherwise Stand

A game where the only thing it has is the gameplay

The game is just not Max Payne. It feels like uncharted and Max Payne had a baby. There is no flare to it. The story is just a slog and the flashbacks?! GOD. They shotgun the pacing hard. What annoyed me most was those stupid fucking flashbacks

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Love sucks.

Level design! Really good. Acting? Really good and although I believe there’s not really a good plot I really like they idea of Max being left alone in the world and it improved on the first on every way.

Game didn’t really click for me til the very end when it pulled a great twist. Makes the paper thin plot worth it.

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The game can be fun but I think its age really docks it for me. Which is unfair I know.

What the game revolutionized is great but I’m going to be honest when I say the level design really put a number on me. The last level having to line up that shot was exhausting. All of chapter 7? Draining..

And the blood trail nightmare missions? Fuck off…. I really hope they aren’t in the remake.

Over all. The story was fine. Basic and generic as it is with no real character besides Max Payne himself. Which the remake will definitely fix.

Gonna admit it took me so long to finish the game because I was busy. Glad I did though.

It’s decent. The hate it gets is dramatic.

Reed is my favorite definitely. Wish it cut the dnd shit and gave the game an extra 2 hours.

The controversy around this game will always puzzle me. The fact some gooner on 4chan made a whole ass detransition story and wasted their time on it is fucking crazy. But that’s all I’ll say over that train wreck of a “fan” game.

Designs of the characters? Great.
Music? Great
Story? Definitely had its moments. The final dnd epilogue despite me hating it all way through had a nice monologue conclusion by Reed.

The pacing takes a train wreck hit at the end making you choose to talk to these characters on the beach. But I guess I liked the characters I chose (Sage and Reed) for it to not be a big deal.

Fang and Naomi’s relationship suffers from this pacing. The dnd stuff really needed to be cut so they could give time to them or something.

Fang and Reed’s voice actors gave it their all. I really liked their performances.

Maybe this is the game I need. Along with night in the woods, Being almost a senior in highschool in about a month. So I resonate with it a bit.

Shame this game had potential and is still good but kind of needed more time in the oven.

Never show them front facing again

That ending was disappointing though. Felt like I wasted my time paying 22$ for this when I could’ve just watched it on YouTube dot com

Yes I finished the game 3 times in one month leave me alone

I played on new game plus and got the plattt

Really short prequel but the music and dialogue make up for it I like it :)

It was silly I mean I don’t know what else to say

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Fighting Barry was so tediously long. I don’t really like the dlc