Played a ton as a kid at my cousin's house. Never beat 100% but I've seen enough siglemic speedruns to know enough about the game. Doesn't hold up in the present day but then it doesn't need to.

I've never been good at this game and at this point it feels like I'm perpetually worse than all my friends.

Don't remember much of my playthrough - kind of forgettable. As always, the web swinging is fun and the combat is serviceable.

One of my most played games as a kid. To this day it's one of my favorites even if I don't feel it's aged well.


Fun - less so after having played Doom Eternal

Got into the hangar holding Metal Gear and just never picked it up again - might still play later.

Combat great, updates to the soundtrack were almost perfect. Didn't like the precedent the ending set for the future games but otherwise the story was fine.

Played on an emulator back in 2011. I missed the boat on this one.

Still fun to play with friends - loses points for the company abandoning the PvE that was promised for years.

Really weird protagonist but it's a solid Soulsbourne-lite.

Solid classic. Weakened by the ending but it kickstarted the "audio log visual storytelling" FPS genre.

Excellent bait-and-switch. Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't want the roguelite elements to be more fleshed out.

Kojima isn't really my bag. Played this game at the peak of my open world fatigue too so I don't think I'll ever try to play this again.

Played on a really crummy computer that hindered the immersion of the experience and some of the 2nd act segments (looking at you, speedboat) really drag on. Still a solid game nonetheless.