25* Best Vidya Songs

stolen idea from ludzu, their old list link is dead so rip
same general idea as that one, ranking favorite individual songs rather than full osts.

*100% objective, but subject to change

"Don't Ever Forget..." - Arata Iiyoshi

(while i love almost every song in this game, i kinda have to put this one at the top because im basically incapable of listening to this song without tearing up a little)
"Exploding Hearts" - Widdly2Diddly
"Puzzle Battle" - Tomohito Nishiura
"Remodeling" - Akira Yamaoka

(sh4 has a fuckton of songs not actually used in game that are on the soundtrack so idc im counting this)
"LONELY ROLLING STAR" - Yoshihito Yano
"Drifting Away" - Ryoji Yoshitomi
"A Certain Someone's Memories" - Shogo Sakai
"Shopping With Palmira Ore" - Kota Hoshino
"White Waking" - Les Rallizes Dénudés

"Boss Battle" - Tsukasa Masuko
"Moonsong (Outer Wall)" - pixel
Shoegazer Watched the Stars - HONDALADY (i think?)
"Opening Theme" - Brian Coburn

(Genesis, not CD)
"0² Battle" - Jun Ishikawa
"Taurus Shrine" - Toshiko Tasaki

(the psx one not the psp one)
"Ecstatic Vibrations, Totally Transcendent" - British Sea Power


"Pushing Onwards" - Magnus Pålsson



"Sketch #1 ~ Main theme" - Kenji Eno
"Hurry Up!" - Ryoji Yoshitomi


"Rave On" - Masafumi Takada
"Rock and Roll Dixie" - Terry Scott Taylor
"Quina's Theme" - Nobuo Uematsu
Living In The Light - Ridiculon
"Fright Flight!!" - MilkCan (Shigeyoshi Kawagoe and Masaya Matsuura if u wanna be weird)


wracked with guilt for not thinking to add quina / palmira to my sad little list

3 years ago

i was this close to putting something from evergrace on my list but chose not to so im even guiltier

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