This game gave me such a feeling of dread but also made me feel whimsical. The boarded up doors, the BATHTUB, the BUNKER… this game is a perfect representation of how mourning is more then just losing someone..

It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing…

This game is criminally underrated…

This game horrified me as a kid. The design of all the rooms was incredible & the ghosts were my favorite part of the game. It gets knocked down due to the plot & the ending..

One of the greatest games of all time.

As a Batman fanatic, this checks all my boxes.

John Marston is a fucking legend and deserved better…

Killing monsters with a BONK is just so damn satisfying.

If we’re talking about what is considered the best souls-like game out there to date, I would say this game wins it in a mile. Comparing to souls games however, I’d say this falls to the bottom. Beautiful storytelling, aesthetics, & creative enemy designs.

By far one of my favorite games of all time. The story, the twin peaks aesthetic, and the surreal nature of the game. Sublime..