If the lobby system was better it'd be perfect

The first month playing this game was probably the best video game experience I've ever had. Not rating this perfect as EFT is notorious for having constant updates that break fundamental parts of the game and while it may be in beta, it's still rough around the edges. After hundreds of hours it's beginning to be more frustrating than riveting and fun but I'll still always come back to this game.

I honestly love how dumb and straightforward the story is. It's objectively not good and the characters lack any depth but it has a so bad it's good quality. Sadly the gameplay loop gets very repetitive and stale which is too bad because the skill tree system and actual combat is very fun.

Masterpiece. The best depiction of Hyrule

What I wouldn't give to retire to Toussaint and drink wine all day

I'll never know how 14 year old me had the patience to collect every Gold Skulltula

Crazy repetitive combat with a story that tries so hard to be cryptic and eerie that just comes off dull.

The perfect B horror game. Not particularly scary and more so fun to play with friends and laugh. Sadly Supermassive haven't been able to capture this same magic since

Climbing far cry towers and discovering parts of the map is a perfect little dopamine hit to the brain. Annoying Ubisoft got rid of them citing "a desire to challenge players to explore and discover as the reason". It's a Far Cry game there really isn't anything that interesting to explore and see I just want to clear areas and shoot shit for 30 minutes before I play something better.

Far Cry games are like McDonalds burgers. You know exactly what you're going to get, it lacks any real substance or nutrients and its crazy mass produced but it's still good. Far Cry 4 is a slight step down from Far Cry 3 but it's hard to follow up the cultural impact Vaas had on gaming culture

Not for everyone but my personal favorite game. One of the best blends of comedy and tragedy in media period.

The anime tropes are definitely not for me. I feel like the game is trying to lean into tropes so aggressively so that it can become ironic but it takes away from the full package for me. Beyond the story and dialogue however is a fast speedrunning game with a new Machine Girl album which is 100% based.

So absurdly good. Hard not to miss this era of Bioware. Here's hoping the new game feels more in line with this rather than Inquisition.

I don't think it'd be controversial to call this the best written game of all time. It's a masterpiece. Egg Head is my spirit animal

I actually can't believe this game got made. Some of the moments in the Lodge are disturbing enough to keep you up at night