A monolithic title that would forever influence future RPGs to come. The world, characters, and music are some of the most iconic things in gaming. While the graphics have aged a little, and navigation is a bit difficult on modern displays, this game overall still holds up as one of the best games ever made. If you're a fan of RPGs, definitely check this one out!

I played this on my Apple TV with a DualSense. I thought it was very fun! The characters control well and the levels are fun! It's a very replayable game that's fun to speedrun! That being said, I'm not a fan of how repetitive the game gets towards the end, making you play almost every single mission just to unlock the final boss. Despite that, the game never outstayed its welcome. Its short and sweet. I hope this can be ported to PC and consoles in the future so that this game can be experienced by more people. I recommend it.

This game isn't bad, but I wouldn't call it good either. It's extremely boring. This game's highs are the levels that play like Sonic Unleashed's daytime stages, unfortunately those levels are only 5% of this game. The remaining 9% are 2D levels and 2D sections within the 3D levels that absolutely kill this game's pacing. Sonic also controls pretty poorly in 2D.
This game's writing is also terrible. I liked it when I was a kid, but as an adult I find it absolutely insufferable. Constant cringe-inducing one-liners, out of character dialogue, and poor attempts at being funny. It all adds up to making you want to skip every cutscene.
This game has amazing art direction, a fantastic OST, and an overall fun vibe. I wish that the actual gameplay was good. Play this if you want to kill time. It's only about 2 hours long, not even. I personally do not recommend.

An amazing 2D platformer! The developers behind the Sonic Advance series and Sonic Rush series, Dimps, developed this gem as well! The game's pacing is really good, the platforming is great, and overall its a fun time! This version heavily surpasses its Wii counterpart. I absolutely recommend it!

I see this game moreso as an expansion to Galaxy than its own game. Just like Galaxy, I think Mario is way too stiff in Galaxy 2, and it prevents me from enjoying it as much as I want to. That being said, I think the pacing and general level design is a lot better in Galaxy 2 than it is in Galaxy 1. The streamlined format improves the pacing a lot for these linear levels. The game is a fun time, but the controls prevent me from enjoying it more.

This game starts off great! The amazing pixel art, fantastic level aesthetics, and great music all give this game a lot of personality! Unfortunately, once you get past that, this game quickly falls apart. After the first two or so zones, the level design has a very sharp decline downwards in quality. There are bottomless pits and unfair traps everywhere. Unavoidable spikes, springs that lead into unavoidable enemies, and bottomless pits that are impossible to predict. This game is designed to be extremely frustrating. If you want a good time, just play the first Sonic Advance game.

A new spin on the 2D Sonic formula. The game is very fast paced, and the new trick system makes it feel like a combination of traditional 2D Sonic and Tony Hawk. While the later levels have some unfair level design, mainly due to there being a lot of bottomless pits, I still think that the game is very fun! Newcomer Blaze is a fun character, and learning who she is through the story is very charming. The soundtrack is very catchy! Legendary composer Hideki Naganuma knocked it out of the park with Sonic Rush! This is a very solid Sonic game and overall a fun time! I recommend it.

This game makes use of many of the DS's unique features. Controlling Sonic in the hub world via the touch screen, controlling the boating missions via the touch screen, and the general use of dual screens. It creates a unique experience compared to other Sonic games. There's a nice gameplay loop between the boating missions, the actual platforming levels with Sonic and Blaze, and doing side quests. This takes the level design of Sonic Rush and elevates it to a new level! This is a very solid title that I would recommend to anyone who wants a fun platformer to play!

Flawless RPG. I'd call it a perfect game. It does everything right. It's paced well, there's no filler, and the side quests are actually fun! That alongside the memorable characters, amazing graphics, legendary music, and brilliant game design all combine to make one of the best games ever created. Even if you've never played an RPG before, I absolutely recommend Chrono Trigger!

I'll say it, I like it. I think it's FUN. It's far from perfect, but in my experience, I didn't encounter any bugs. The level design is solid and the characters control good enough. While there could've been more polish and alterations to make this a better experience, I still had a fun time playing it. I'm probably the only person in the world to say that about Sonic 06, but I'll stand my ground. It's fun! Would I recommend it? Only if you're REALLY curious about Sonic's lowest point. There are far better games to play, and I'd recommend any of those over this one.

This game is very unique, and there's no other way to play it than on DS. This game uses the DS's two screens for almost everything, whether it be battling as two characters at the same time or seeing two different perspectives in a cutscene, it's a very unique experience that you won't find on any of the watered down ports or middling sequel.
The personality of the game is also unmatched by any other I've played. TWEWY fully embraces the era it was released in, from how the characters talk, the at the time current trends, the art style, and even the overall soundtrack. It feels like a time capsule for the mid-late 2000s, and for me it creates a feeling of nostalgia.
The story is pretty good, but I didn't find it to be anything special. The biggest strength of the writing is how the characters are written. The main characters themselves feel very real, they aren't written with any specific tropes in mind, instead the game focuses on making sure that these characters feel like they've lived full lives before the game even started. Their history, their struggles, how they talk, the actions they choose, it all feels like something real people would do. This game doesn't rely on generic character tropes like newer characters from the remakes and sequel do.
Overall, TWEWY is a very unique product that I recommend everyone check out, and please play the original DS version if possible. It offers a unique experience in gameplay, aesthetic, and writing that I've never seen any other game offer.