Disgusting abomination of video game media.

Uninspired Call of Duty wannabe.

Very meh console first person shooter.

Exploring stuff and roleplay as a wasteland maid is fun and all. But when you roomba'd everything there is, the plot and characters are coming your way. And they are coming to suck.

"Why is last boss almost impossible, mr. Taro?"
"Well, it is a last boss, right? I wanted to make a truly last boss and here we are."
Thank you, mr. Taro, shine on, you magnificent bastard. Shine on. The gameplay process is still shit, by the way.

The start is always amazing. All those dialogs, gameplay opportunities, burning and blowing shit up, turning Fort Joy into Fort Sad is great.

Alas, for some reason, I lost interest in story around half way through, just like with Original Sin I. I don't know why but one moment I just stopped caring about any character and wanted to eradicate goddamn dwarves.

Nonetheless, the amount of roleplay opportunities is undoubtedly amazing, the race design is just marvelous. But I can't recommend this to anyone as every single fight will be the same, no matter who you are fighting with and the storytelling is dragged-out too much.

I completed the game in duo party, and we both got tired of the game around the end of the second act.

Looking back, pretty solid horror game with intriguing plot. Alas, as I was playing I cursed every single developer's family member because of disgusting controls and one-shots. Sorry about that.

Another meh fist person console shooter. But it has local co-op now, making it much better compared to Killzone.


Amazing old-school shooty pew pew mindless fun with secrets and rocket jumps.

Platinum Games x Yoko Taro? Sign me in!

I remember next to nothing after a playthrough.

Goddamn cazadores. Still awesome for a game on comatose creation engine. Still best Fallout game out there.

Nice conclusion to Kaim story. Not so nice everything else.

I was not expecting this amount of hedonistic japanese-ness from a game when I got into it. And I regret nothing. Thank you, Yoko Taro. Also, controls are pretty disgusting, if I remember correctly. But that checks up for almost all good quirky japanese games.

I will never tire of hearing Ashley banging another trash bin cover with her head.