133 reviews liked by HenryDots

Rule of Rose é um game q já tinha jogado até certa parte tem mt tempo, busquei o nome no google e jurava ser Clock Tower 3 pq eu só lembrava da parte q a protagonista tá no q parece uma fábrica ( descobri q era um zepellin ) e q tinha uns bichos pra enfrentar.
No começo achei q a Jennifer era mt burra em descer do onibus, em entrar na mansão e durante outras ações questionaveis dela mas todo o progresso se passa dentro da cabeça dela ent isso explica mta coisa. Realmente a história é um pouco confusa, tive q procurar pra entender melhor sobre partes do passado dela e dos demais personagens na wikia.

>> Prós
• AMBIENTAÇÃO : A temática e ambientação antiga faz o game ter seu charme.
• SOUNDTRACK : A trilha sonora é um dos pontos fortes do game, a música dos inimigos tbm é mt boa.
• JOGABILIDADE : Não se tem muita dificuldade em jogar o game no geral, é tipo Silent Hill e os Resident Evil clássicos.
• CACHORRO : Basicamente é o Brown q controla o progresso já q ele quem encontra as coisas e os lugares pra ir.
• HISTÓRIA : A narrativa da história é bem legal e sinistra com seus determinados temas incomuns, cada capítulo separado com diferentes objetivos e acontecimentos do passado de Jennifer em ordem não-cronológica deixam o game bem especial. Fora q achei interessante como usaram um narrador no decorrer de todo jogo ditando cada ação das personagens como se fosse um livro.
• PERSONAGENS : Vários personagens são bem interessantes. Gregory e seu passado melancólico, a amizade/amor distorcida de Wendy e Jennifer, além do trio de princesas aristocrátas.

>> Contras
• JOGABILIDADE COMBATE : Geral ta reclamando e eu tbm vou, é fácil mas ruim q pra atacar tem q segurar um botão q faz ela mirar apenas para onde ela tá virada. Fora q o alcance as vezes acaba sendo bem limitado, além da parte irritante q os inimigos pulam no jogador e ficam agarrados.

>> Perso Favorito = Brown, Diana e Wendy.

>> Capítulos
• SIR PETER = 2.5/5
• RAG PRINCESS = 3.5/5

We really finaled their third fantasy bros

The best of the original 3 games by far. You get some crap dungeons like the two with splitting enemies and the Crystal Tower is a bit of slog (even with Pixel Remaster QOL changes), but it's still leagues above FF II, and feels meatier than FF I.

Tbh, not my fave FF. I remember playing the DS version, though I was a lot younger, and it would've been one of the earlier ones that I played through fully. I did feel I had a positive time with it then, but wonder how it'd hold up now...

The introduction of jobs was really interesting, and this game has some cool ass bosses. Of the original trilogy from the pixel remasters, I think it's my least favorite, as the story is really pretty subdued. The best part of the game for me was the final dungeons which absolutely ripped, and constituted probably 1/5 of my entire playtime lol. Mayhaps too long? A lot of the backstory etc is loaded into that end game bit.

As with the other pixel remasters the sprite work, attack animations, and re-orchestrated soundtrack are wonderful.

Also now that I have XIV under my belt this game gave me a lot of wojack pointing energy. I'm glad to have played it again regardless, as I needed a refresh on the early entries of FF. I am really looking forward to playing the rest of the pixel remasters.

I knew playing this game after playing FFV would have a negative impact, and it did to an extent, but I did end up enjoying this game, probably even a little more than I thought I would.

Clearly a prototype for FFV in almost every way (from the job system and combat/ to the story and characters) it was clear that they were starting to get on the right path but not quite there yet. Still there's plenty to enjoy here. Even though the job system can't compare with V, it's still fun and I'd take it over whatever the heck that was in II. They do attempt a story here, and while it's basic, it's an improvement over FF1. Cid is back, and is a goat as always.

The music might be the least memorable for me out of any FF game I've played yet so that's a bummer.

There are a couple of frustrating sections in the game (the splitting up enemies can eat my fucking ass), but overall it's a fun game, and I'm glad I played it.

I'm really excited to get into IV and VI next, as I hear these are the games. It'll be interesting to see how they hold up.

Yup. In many ways this is way better than the DS remake. And I know I'm not the only one on this.
A shame we didn't get the WonderSwan 2D remake, but the Pixel Remaster is still an amazing funny experience.

i was initially led to think that bayonetta was devil may cry for gays but after experiencing the might of this game it is quite apparent to me that devil may cry was the bayonetta sub species for heterosexuals all along

Whenever i have to check if everything on my pc works i boot this

played it again for the first time in years and. yeah this is just indisputably one of the best games ever made