Cute rhythmn game with some pretty good visual novel sections

Game so bad it revived a dead franchise

Pixel remaster makes this one of the best Final Fantasies

Diva died and we got this piece of shit instead.

Great chara creator mode and gorgeous artwork used on the individual episodes. It's one of those fighting games that goes for fun rather than overly deep combat mechanics. Tekken this ain't, but it should not be anyways, It's a colorful medieval fantasy game with a simple ass concept made more interesting by a roster composed by a bunch of hunks (let me top you, Groh) and gaslite gatekeep girlbosses. (Let me bottom for you, Ivy).

Made obsolete by the remake, tbh

Too short and too gimmicky to even matter.

They nailed the combat gameplay but fumbled almost everything else except for the character design and Yuri Kozukata being a girlboss.

Probably The only mobile game ever that deserves to be downloader more than twice

Took me year's to finish It (literally)

Used it to teach basic english vocabulary to my students and it worked so It's 10/10