No regrets buying this thing three times.

A well-realised world with pretty mediocre storytelling and combat. Could've used less spiders.

If I ever see another Riddler trophy I will resort to violence.

I don't know why I can't play 2D Metroidvanias because this is bloody fantastic from start to finish - well, nearly.

Makes you wonder where we can possibly go from here.

The first new game I played on my computer. A genuine blast, but I couldn't go through it all again.

I have been playing this game on and off for nearly twelve years and still can't bring myself to care enough to finish it. Almost four stars for the world and genuine longevity it has, but holy shit.


Fast, fluid and ferocious. I think I prefer this one over Eternal, but it's a tough decision to make.

You know that episode of Spaced where Tim freaks out because he's been playing Resident Evil 2 all night? Yeah that was me in my work for a week after playing nothing but this when it released. Every footstep was a big man in a fedora to me.

Brilliant remake, and my ideal way to play RE2 now.

The roster is packed, and the stages are great. Gameplay is tight.

Everyone is here.

I've been playing this for the first time recently, because BotW was always like Skyrim to me - something I felt I should play, but could never be bothered with. I'd start it, get into the open world, then get a bit bored.

While I'm still not anywhere near finished, I do enjoy it. The freedom of approach is nice, but the degradation system does my head in.

My mum's OTHER favourite game. Love this to bits.

Eerie, grimly realistic and tense to the point of vocal outbursts, Rainbow Six's tactical approach to planning a mission before executing it lends to a really interesting trial and error concept, helped along by the feeling of sheer joy when a mission goes perfectly.

That said, I would find whoever came up with the stealth missions and have them arrested. PS1 port was my first experience with it and the first level in the embassy is burned into my mind.

The sole reason I want an Assassin's Creed set in feudal Japan.