Games that I've "completed" but still have some unfinished business with.

Included said unfinished business in the notes. Some runs I want to do in theory but might be too tedious, outside my skill level or I might not like the game all that much to do them, these are the maybes.

Euro Extreme and maybe Big Boss rank.
No Upgrade run and maybe a No Merchant run.
1CC Original Mode and Black Label Original.
Complete at least Hard Mode, maybe Hard KMS.
1CC Arrange Original and eventually, possibly, maybe Arcade Original.
Unlock the secret ending and complete "Another Day" on Ultimate difficulty. Maybe a lv.1 No Stat Boost run.
S rank of Very Hard and Revengeance. Maybe a No Upgrade run.
Only completed Normal with this one. Have to do Big Boss Hard.
Kill G Rank White and Crimson Fatty, complete the "Monster Hunter" quest with High Rank gear.
S Rank Dead Ahead and Death Wish on Hard Mode.
Complete DMD.
Finish Hard Mode, Normal Mode No Sidequest run.


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