Literally the best game I've played. Freedom in this game is something I've never experienced before, true masterpiece of this era.

Great game to play with friends, if you have any.

One of the most compelling story ever told on video game, this game deserves all the praise. Also 2B kinda thicc.

Great sandbox experience which can be enjoyable for any age group.

Not as great as automata, but still a decent game

Movement in this game is so fluid and addicting, a masterpiece switch desrves.

It's tough, but satisfying. Great story told and it can be really impactful if you're having a bad time in life.

Beautiful graphics, zombies and big vampire lady. Everything a gamer could've asked for

Amazing story with awesome combat, father son relationship is so beautiful it makes me hyped for the sequel.

It's gta v, you don't need me to tell you how good this game is.

Zelda ripoff with gacha elements, decent if you got nothing to play

Earlier it was trash, now after 1.5 patch it's worth checking out, it's good story got shadowed by bad optimisation, you can't argue me, Keanu here stole the show

It's tough, but it's fair. Every builds are viable and combat is so good that's it's almost addicting.

It's a masterpiece, story like this is never told before in any video game. Realism in this game feels so unreal, it's worth checking out just for the environment in this game.


Amazing rogue like, must play for anyone looking for a challenge