Very short, a really good way to spend half an hour
It hit so much harder than I was expecting this to
Perfect parts surreal and creepy

It's peak
It brought a tear to my eye
It's time to mix drinks and change lives

Will be going back for the rest of the achivements

It's silly
Play while constipated for the full experience

This game is pretty much fucking perfect like holy shit
The maps
The characters
The story
I thought that second gen wouldn't be able to live up to first and that the children would feel like a worse version of their parents
But that's not at all what happened, Almost every character feels complete in story and battle with the children feeling like their own distinct characters even when there are some with identical roles
And every one feels good to play and manoeuvre around these massive maps
The size and scale of the maps is probably my favourite thing about this game and is sorely missed in every other FE game I've played
The multiple capture points expands the scope of the game as well as add heightened strategy especially in the later parts of the game
Fucking hell mate it just felt fucking good to play like holy shit it's amazing

Loptyr felled
Belhalla Seized
Jugdral liberated

An absolutely amazing game, right up there with Nocturne for being one of the best SMT games
Atmosphere is one of the best in the series
Story and characters, amazing
While it doesn't have press turn, the paired alignment mechanic was really interesting and I did enjoy it a lot.
The game also made me think much more about party arrangement and using as many demons
As I had to get their sources rather than just recruit, never touch and fuse like I normally do.
Atmosphere is what I consistently come back to
It's thick, it's raw, it's always present no matter what.
Music while not being the normal Megaten style is a very welcome change, having a more orchestral soundtrack fits for this game.
Each sector having it's own theme that fits the absolute disgust and waste apparent in each one
Also anyone who has an issue with Sector Es teleport puzzle
Skill issue, learn how to navigate a maze

Omori if it was good???????
Unironically you can tell that Omori took heavy influence from this game
End Roll was amazing, it's just really good, everything that's amazing about RPG Maker games End Roll has and does brilliantly
I really got attached to the whole cast and Russel's journey being your own in terms of you going out of your way to care and help being the same for the rest of the cast and that having an effect on the experience was wonderful, I felt sad and guilty on Russel's behalf
Russel is a really good silent protag, knowing what he's seen and experienced, it makes sense he doesn't talk much. But since the whole game is based around his experiences, the world is what gives Russel his in depth characterisation as well as the story and characters.
Anyway I think his final crime was justifiable imo, but no one else deserved what happened

FE3 Mystery of the emblem
This game introduced me to my wife Minerva and Husband Michalis so it’s kino
But being real, you can tell the care went into book 2.
Book one is much more chill with a really good but relatively basic story, especially for FE
Book 2 starts off wonderfully with the immediate position it puts Marth in needing to betray the people he just fought with
Overall the game is really good, not above FE4 or 5 but an amazing entry none the less

The fucking ending cards for most of the characters are fucking ass

SMT 1 is an amazing start to a franchise I've grown to love.
While Digital Devil Story was the game that lay the groundwork this game is the one that really set the identity of SMT
I had played some of the SNES version but after feeling stuck, lost and ran in circles for a bit, I decided to get back into it with the PSX translation version and I'm really happy I did.
While the combat is a bit simple and can jump between easy, hard or just straight up tedious, it's still enjoyable enough to not drag on especially with the auto battle.
The characters, story, atmosphere and worldbuilding are really the draws for this game anyway.
While I did have some difficulty issues, it really seemed to mellow out coming up close to the endgame.
It really was the perfect start and jumping off point for the series that is
I'll be hopping on SMT 2 shortly

This game busted my balls and formed me new ones
It clicked for me wayyy too late but when it did fuck me it just felt like I was flowed like nothing else, really excited for a replay in the future, it's peak
Jugdral Peak

Won't be writing a review until the whole game is finished but it's peak

Final fantasy VI is wonderful and probably the best pre PSX final fantasy game and rivals the ones after
Silly clown get's jailed for war crimes and breaks out to commit more war crimes

Setzer, Locke, Edgar and Sabin were personal favourites apart from the main protagonist Terra, who is just wonderful.

The game heavily explores love and what it means to love and to be loved. Terra representing someone caught between two worlds having feelings she doesn’t understand really resonated with me, especially at the point in my life I’m at now.

But it shows that instead of a divided love, and instead of needing to choose, she’s loved by both. All parts of her have and deserve to be loved. She’s a wonderful protagonist and someone that I loved more over the course of the story

On the opposite end we have Kefka. Fucking Kefka, where do you even start with such a perfect antagonist. Clowns work wonders as antagonists, the use of insanity is always so fun to experience in a villain and Kefka embodies that perfectly.

The game is wonderful, I’ll probably come back to this review and make it better over on backloggd but yeah this is wonderful

FF1 NES ver complete
This is a game I started years ago but never got far in
Started again recently and decided to blast through it and holy shit I loved it
While there are a lot of issues with the game I honestly think a lot of it is overshadowed by how gripping it is
The story while simple is striking, the environments and character put into the world is so plain to see
Also no auto target is not as bad as it might seem, although it did make me avoid encounters with more than 5 or 6 enemies
I'd recommend checking out this retrospective since it really gave me a massive appreciation for the game and inspired me to give it another go

Most difficulty I've had with FE so far
I'm glad it made me baby units so I know how to do it properly now
I'm happy I played the prequel first to get more attached to the characters.
I didn't know I needed to get all legendary weapons or how to get them for the true ending so I got a half assed one
So there's a half assed review


This shit broke me I love it so much
The gameplay is simple but extremely engaging and very fun. The story and characters are insanely well done.
The horror aspects were absolutely gripping and had me on the edge of my seat.
As someone who has had experiences and troubles surrounding the violin, watching Sunny dealing with his made hurt and spoke to me.

I completely understand why this game is a classic and highly hailed in the Persona fanbase
A bunch of the bosses require a fuck ton of grinding to fight with the most bullshit resistances I've seen in a game
The final boss's final phase being strong against all abilities, but can't be reduced so you're fighting with completely minimal damage
I regret playing this on normal due to the bosses and grinding requirements and amount of time wasted.
I do like the concept of the final boss but having too much health per phase and the damage of the final made me not enjoy fighting it.

Other than the bosses I loved the game a lot, some bosses were really fun, especially the full moon bosses. Tartarus was a really fun area to explore and made grinding more bearable.
The cast was also really good to interact with and while a lot of the SLs were basic they also had a few amazing ones
Especially the Sun SL, my absolute favourite