Would go up a lot if there were less Murphy levels ngl

Xenoblade but if it was made for insane people

Really good game, only problem is that the console versions run at 30, something a current gen port could surely fix.

Kingdom Hearts II if it was written as a murder mystery

One of my favourite games of all time, and what got me into JRPGs, very wacky balancing but everything about it is really fun and lovable.

Kingdom Hearts but written as a murder mystery

A game that explores both connotations of "fuck the church" in great detail, whilst also having some of the best character writing in a video game in a long time.

"What if the R in JRPG stood for Reddit?" - Katsura Hashino

Despite not having actually played against other people, I still have a lot of fun just messing around in arcade mode with this game, as well as labbing combos in training mode. Really fluid gameplay, fantastic music and animation, can't go wrong with this one at all.

Cool story for a fighting game, great animation and music, the gameplay is really well thought out, though it's a little rough playing without the Re:ACT patch.

Akiha dresses up as a cat spirit what more do I need to say fellas