Has some questionable design choices in some spots but great nonetheless.

Rockstar does it time and time again.

I want to fellate Hidetaka Miyazaki.

Good if its your first time playing Persona 5 but it is NOT worth its pricetag.

One of my favorite rpgs but only because of gameplay. The story and characters are hot doo doo. I just love the materia system.

Edit: After a year of reflection and more playthroughs this is the best game of all time. I was trippin'.

Genshin is bogged down by the fact its a gacha game. Mihoyo are fucking cowards for not having any thicker builds for the characters. AND, they are racists for not having darkskin for characters who are based off of dark skinned people's culture. Fuck Genshin. Sucrose my wife tho.

Gorgeous, but the difficulty of this game boils down to put a million things on screen. It's too easy? add more stuff to dodge. Kinda cringe.

I love this game, I don't know why I keep putting it down for months on end but every time I pick it up I just fall in love all over again.

I hate the trend of something popular coming out and then years later we're like ehhhhh was it REALLY that good? Yes. Yes it was.

Liked this just as much as the original. Jessie still sucks ass.