The most 7/10 game of all time.

Great if you get it. But it takes a lot of extra work I wouldn't recommend to do so.

Good game with dogshit moments and a wonky ending. Will update this when the 3rd game comes out because I feel like this game can't be properly rated without the full picture.

Tekken has won the first round of this gen of fighters. Let's see how MK and SF retaliate with Season 2.

Holy fuck this game got better the second time.

Got a lot right and a lot wrong.

Jill say or do anything challenge. Difficulty IMPOSSIBLE.

Solid. I want to bang Shadowheart.

I'm not a south park fan but i still found this funny. Its an okay RPG but where it failed the humor was there to save it. At least for me.

I played the remake and the original back to back for the first time over the course of 2 weeks. These two games are the ONLY games I have played ever where I rolled credits and immediately started playing again. One of those games we all should play at least once.

Easily one of the most fun games I have ever played.