A game that turned the independent game scene on it's head. Taking major inspiration from EarthBound, Brandish, and many of creator Toby Fox's other favorite games, this game's silly facade masks some of the most impactful moments in gaming.

The worst game I've ever played, and likely ever will play. Good Atari 2600 games aged incredibly poorly; how do you think one of the ones that crashed the industry in North America aged? An absolutely horrible game that everyone should experience once in their life. Just so they can know how bad it can truly get.

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played, but still a hilarious experience... if you can learn how to control it.

This is for sure the best idle game ever made. Orteil put way too much effort into it.

Terraria takes the sandbox building genre and ties it together with stronger RPG elements, giving the game a strong sense of progression as more of your world becomes survivable, and twists and alters to your progress.

THE game that codified the Metroidvania genre. Tight controls, a massive (for its time) world, tons of collectables and powers make this game an eternal classic, and a must-play game.

One of the best indie games ever made. A game this good made by one person shouldn't be fucking possible, man. It was worth the 5 years of dev time, Pixel-san.

I think I fell asleep playing this game at one point

This is one of the coolest ideas for a puzzle game ever, man. A heisting game where you have to devise the shortest possible path to achieve your object by punching holes in the environment wherever you want is just so fucking cool. And I could lose hours just destroying things in the sandbox mode. Give this game a play, it rules.

They never should have called this game Sonic 4.

Extremely bland 2D Sonic, Sonic Team appears to have not only learned nothing since Sonic 3&K, they actually seem to have forgotten things.

This game owns. A fantastic story with great characters, top to bottom. There's really not much more to say, give it a play.

One of the all time classics. How could you possibly hate this game?

This is peak Katamari. You owe it to yourself to play this game.

An all-time classic, easily the best RPG Square has ever produced. Featuring the only time I've ever liked ATB, Chrono Trigger presents an excellent story and great gameplay.

Starting off as a slow burn that sets up compelling mysteries about the nature of Aionios and our protagonists, Xenoblade 3 delivers the answers in ways that are dramatic, entertaining, and engaging. XB3 also takes the best parts of Xenoblade 1 and 2's systems, combines them with a very compelling and fun Job system, and scores them with some of the best music to ever come out of the series. This game supplanted Xenoblade 1 as one of my favorite games of all time.