The haunting atmosphere, lovable side characters and excellent game design make Majora's Mask into a game unlike anything else.
It is a piece of art.

So much style and personality just oozes from every aspect of Persona 5. It is incredible that I enjoyed this over 100h long borderline visual novel with turn based combat as much as I did.

I didn't play the original but this Remaster has clearly insane amounts of respect and passion towards the original game. The character animations are so expressive and fluid and the game is littered with fun details. They've done a fantastic job modernizing it but still keeping the NES era bs that made those old classics so fun.

One of the goofiest Co-op games I've played. Everyone is screaming, laughing and dying in the stupidest possible ways. Pure chaos and I love it.

It has a lot of amateurish design and some of the bosses are a bit jarring but overall it's a very solid metroidvania. The platforming and movement is hands down the best part of the game and I'd recommend it on that alone.

Great stages paired with one of the most gorgeous soundtracks I've ever heard in a videogame

The most painful and rage inducing game I have ever played, the amount of frustration I have received over my hundred hours of playtime doesn't even come close in comparison to any other videogame. 10/10.

After 1,5 years of playing this game on and off I finally beat it. This is genuinely the hardest game I've ever played. It is painful and absolutely brutal and I still have so many secrets to go for but man it's such a great game.

My personal favorite is still Double Dash but 8 is basically Mario Kart perfected and Deluxe is 8 perfected. Basically all of the base tracks are great, the game controls amazingly and the visuals are still incredible all these years later.

My childhood, I've played it for more hours than I can remember. It's current state is just not great though.

Best Shovel Knight game so far. Plague of Shadows disappointed me with it's lackluster changes to the original game and confusing focus on crafting and awkward movement. Specter of Torment takes a different approach and completely revamps the game with very slick movement and level design. It's a blast from start to finish.

Incredible atmosphere and sound design. Gameplay and story are pretty good but this game is just elevated to the next level by it's environments.

Manages to capture the rush and excitement of childhood in an incredible way. It is way too short but that is the beaty of it.

Fun if you put on Initial D music and play with a Honda Civic

Bowsers fury is short but excellent 3d Mario fun. The small open world is filled with secrets and fun platforming challenges. The entire thing can be beaten in just a couple hours but the game is amazing for that entire short runtime.

A masterclass in game design that holds up to this day.