Played it for 7 minutes and got 100%. Average Steam shovelware.

I was expecting hot garbage but it's just underwhelming trash

Hypnotic musical acid trip to heaven

Truly the ultimate fighting game. I've played it for hundreds of hours and never get bored.

One of the goofiest Co-op games I've played. Everyone is screaming, laughing and dying in the stupidest possible ways. Pure chaos and I love it.

Outer Wilds manages to capture the feeling of being small in the universe like none other. It truly immersed me into it's world and unraveling it's mysteries was an unforgettable experience.

I've put hundreds of hours into it and still occasionally play it with friends. It has one of the most fun movement systems ever in a videogame

Best 2d Mario since World. Love the insane amount of variety in every level.

I was thoroughly enjoying my time with the game at the start but the longer it went on the less fun I was having. The core mechanics are decent, pretty good even and the visuals are great, but the level and boss design felt more and more lacking as the game dragged on.

Excellent 2d platformer and still absolutely worth playing even if you've played Legends.

It's a very generic open world game but the execution is top notch so I really didn't mind. The combat is pretty good, the story is excellent and the web swinging is just so much fun. Big recommend if you like Spider-Man in any way.

Plague of Shadows features a whole new playable character with his own moveset and mechanics. However this just feels kinda sloppily integrated into the base game so while the new moveset is definitely more interesting than Shovel Knight's, the level's are really awkward and not as fun to traverse.

I went into this game with extremely low expectations and came out the end feeling very satisfied.