Plague of Shadows features a whole new playable character with his own moveset and mechanics. However this just feels kinda sloppily integrated into the base game so while the new moveset is definitely more interesting than Shovel Knight's, the level's are really awkward and not as fun to traverse.

I went into this game with extremely low expectations and came out the end feeling very satisfied.

Even after playing through this game twice already, I still catch myself just wandering aimlessly around the Lands Between. There is just something so compelling and so fresh about Elden Ring's world that it begs to be explored even after you've done so multiple times. The combat is as refined as the Souls combat gets, and making your character out of your own discoveries is a magical thing.
I would call this a once in a lifetime game, but it really isn't, because you can enjoy it so many times. Truly incredible game.

A psychedelic hypnotic headache. It's great.

Incredibly well refined platforming mechanics and level design make Celeste into one of the best 2d platformers out there. The base game is not too bad but the content after the story offers a real challenge.

Decent short action game. Some light metroidvania elements and the weird movement system make it a pretty unique experience.

An okayish Smash Bros clone. Absolutely no point in playing it if you already have Smash.

Bowsers fury is short but excellent 3d Mario fun. The small open world is filled with secrets and fun platforming challenges. The entire thing can be beaten in just a couple hours but the game is amazing for that entire short runtime.

The best tower defense game out there. The amount of different monkeys and strategies you can employ is insane and seeing your defense grow into an impassable wall of monkeys and death is very satisfying. It is very sandbox in nature though so after you've unlocked everything you have to kinda find your own fun. I wish there was a campaign with restricted monkeys or something similar so you'd have to really think how to build your defense.

Neat soulslike metroidvania. The world design is quite fun, combat and bosses are great, and the art style is sick, twisted and gorgeous.

A chaotic philosophical thrill ride and the breath of fresh air Bioshock needed. The world of Columbia is an interesting and unique new setting and the chapter based storytelling quite fits with Bioshock. I do miss some of the openness of the first game.

A great separate campaign with a couple new levels and a decent story. I enjoyed it way more than the base game, but it still shares a lot of it's flaws.

Bioshock 2 is an alright game and an alright sequel. It really feels like a safe bet by just being more of the same without much new or interesting. The story didn't grab me in the slightest, and most of the game is just shooting with not as much room for the atmosphere and storytelling of the first game. The gunplay is improved and pretty fun but overall this game left me a bit disappointed.

Amazing worldbuilding and storytelling in both real time and it's environments make Bioshock into an atmospheric and fully realized world with crazy attention to detail in it's every aspect. The story itself and all it's revelations, plot twists are fantastic, with some very intriguing characters and ideals at display.

The gameplay is well designed with balanced gunplay and plasmids that you can freely experiment with. The light RPG mechanics also make this game into a pretty replayable experience. The levels are massive fairly open areas that you can freely explore and complete your objectives in while also finding new power-ups and lore tidbits.

Overall Bioshock is nothing short of a masterpiece that holds up beautifully to this day, both visually and from a gameplay perspective.

Inside boasts some of the best atmosphere and sound design in any game I've ever played.
That being said, I have no idea what I just played.