Hollow Knight is my favorite game of all time. It offers a wondrous world to truly get lost in and uncover the mysteries of it's past. The combat is tight, the bosses are awesome and the platforming mechanics are a joy to use, not to mention the amazing and complex lore the game has.
A true masterpiece.

Tears of the Kingdom had to live up to the impossible expectations of being a sequel to Breath of the Wild. What is actually impossible is that it manages to shoot past those expectations in every way. I loved every second of it all the way up to the jawdropping finale.

The world of Dark Souls captivated me in a way that few games do. While a bit rough around the edges, it is an amazing experience.

I've played through this game countless times and it is the one game that defines my childhood most. The music is beautiful and the levels are all fun and insanely memorable.
Also it's fn Mario in fn space.

It is a poorly designed abomination that is miserable to play.
A truly special game that changed me as a person.

Breath of the Wild captures the wonder of exploration and discovery in a truly special way. The amount of freedom given to the player and the serene beaty in it's ruined world makes it a wonderful game.

A masterclass in game design that holds up to this day.

The haunting atmosphere, lovable side characters and excellent game design make Majora's Mask into a game unlike anything else.
It is a piece of art.

My favorite classic Zelda game. It has a really cool, dark vibe and the best dungeons in the series. Love it.

While the motion controls may be annoying at times, this game is perfectly designed around them and has some great puzzles. Music and story are awesome too.
Skyward Sword has a lot of issues but it's still fantastic.

A nightmare to navigate by todays standards if you were to play it blind. The puzzles are a cryptic mess and overall Zelda 1 has aged quite poorly. That being said if you play it with a guide and a nice cup of coffee, you will have a very fun afternoon.

It invented the Zelda formula and has some excellent dungeons. Progression through the world can be quite frustrating at times though.

My favorite 2d Zelda game. The story and world are compact but full of life. The dungeons are great and overall Koholint island is a magical place to explore.

Questionable design choices, awkward boss fights and enemy spam make Dark Souls II into a mess of a game. I did not enjoy it that much.
The lore is very good though and some of the designs are awesome, so it has some redeeming qualities.

Portal 1 shows off it's unique concept in smart ways with some excellent puzzles and some light worldbuilding.