47 Reviews liked by JimBebop

Es como el ac odyssey pero peor en prácticamente todo.

Empezando por lo negativo la estamina y las armas que se rompen son un coñazo, el mundo es inmenso pero está mayoritariamente vacío y la exploración se vuelve tediosa y poco satisfactoria (como vea otra semilla de korok..), la historia es flojísima y las misiones secundarias igual, los personajes no llegas ni a conocerlos porque de las 35-50 horas que le tienes que dedicar al juego aparecen durante 6 minutos.

Aún así, es entretenido si no tienes nada mejor que hacer, los mini templos con los puzzles me gustaron mucho (pero hay demasiados y se vuelve cansino), también hay zonas que son muy bonitas y el mundo en sí tiene mucho lore (desaprovechado).

En fin, no me parece un juego malo pero me ha decepcionado.



walking simulator through an art piece disguised as a video game. The game's art style is cool and the music is good. But it is indeed very boring to play. 1.5 ★

(Played before 2023)
The start of this game? Great. I loved the impressive, unique visuals contrasting with the enemies you were fighting, with local survivors helping you along while you helped others. Seeing characters from around the world gather here in order to party and have a good time only to be turned into infected is cool, and the tropical beach setting is really awesome. But then you get to the city: a twisted, gross mess of level design with long sections that are twisted and awkward, human enemies that aren't fun to fight, and the story stalls really hard. Guns start becoming required and the shooting is not even fun in the slightest. It is boring and makes the game feel way more generic. The levelling system becomes more prominent, making zombies stupid tanky and kind of forcing you to use whatever good drops you get, even if it goes against your characters expertise (which doesn't really matter). The rest of the game just isn't as fun as the start, and I bet a lot of people quit when they get to the city where it starts to feel more generic. I hope the sequel improves upon this, and makes the entire game feel like the opening of this one.
Also this game had the best video game trailer of all time. None comes even close.

Replayed this once again since my mum wanted to see it. She enjoyed it and I surprisingly enjoyed it more than any other previous playthrough.

The Last Guardian es la tercera obra maestra creada por Fumito Ueda y el Japan Studio (Gen Design) Su historia, el diseño de personajes es increíble.



This review was written before the game released

Bold of EA to, after completely gutting Dead Space to turn it into a garbled action mess of predatory bullshit and then completely gutting the studio behind it after jobbing them onto a shitty battlefield spin-off, come back and act like I should give a shit that they are propping up it's corpse because horror is noticeably profitable now

Honestly, go fuck yourself

Los juegos de Mario suelen ser grandes juegos, pero no juegos de una gran historia ni nada de eso, sino grandes juegos que se disfrutan bastante y este no es menos.

Este Mario tiene unos niveles increíbles con secretos que solo se descubren usando el 3D de la consola y es algo que me flipa porque siempre Mario en su primer juego de la plataforma que hace explota el gimmick de la consola y este no es para menos dado que lo usa de manera maravillosa.

No es el mejor Mario, pero si un Mario muy divertido y disfruton en ratos cortos con gran uso del 3D y muy buenos niveles.

i like this game because it's puzzles for stupid people and i'm an idiot

I’ll cut right to the chase and say I strongly dislike this game. I found nothing about Katamari Damacy REROLL to be entertaining. The controls were awful! It was a pain to move the main character around and the camera angles were the worst cause I couldn’t see where I was going half the time. Add on top of that, in every level there’s a time limit which only fueled my frustration with this game even more. Nothing equals fun like being visually impaired, moving around like you're heavily intoxicated, and being rushed to accomplished an objective at the same time.

The story was boring beyond belief and I stopped reading the dialogue after awhile because I couldn’t connect with the story or characters. I found that I really didn’t care why the king wanted to send the prince to earth to gather a bunch of stuff into a ball or how it impacted the planet in the story. It also didn't help that the prince really didn’t have a personality because he has no dialogue and I've outgrown the whole silent protagonist thing since I was a teenager with the Legend of Zelda and Dragon Quest. I know that the series of Katamari Damacy is adored because of it’s weird quirky characters and lore, but I really don't get why that is.

Speaking for myself only, outside of the main character and the king the rest of the game is an eye sore. Generally I can look past a game’s art style and design if the gameplay or narrative is somewhat decent, but sadly I didn’t like either in Katamari Damacy. Nothing about this game jelled with me. Not the art, story, characters, music, or gamplay.


It's very rare that I play a game and I've got nothing positive to say about the experience. Usually, I can walk away with something nice to say, but sadly not with Katamari Damacy REROLL. Maybe the rest of the series is really good, but I’m going to be a little wary about playing any of the others since REROLL left a pretty bad after taste.


-Horrible controls
-terrible camera angles
-Dull story
-ugly art style

Scary and moody and competent combat and also almost entirely boring and unengaging.



Todos los feels con el RiME. Me ha gustado mucho lo bien que ransmite todos los sentimientos y cómo traslada el tristísimo y alegórico relato a las mecánicas y la aventura. Y la música va directa al primer puesto de bandas sonoras del 2017, así os lo digo.

There's something to be said about a small game that tries to do one or two things really well.

I wish that was how I felt about Alba. The ambience and sound work is wonderful, hearing the birds all around, the leaves in the breeze and the faint music is all wonderful, the gameplay just couldn't hold a candle to that.

Alba is very simplistic in nature and between it's fairly underwhelming intro and extensive hand-holding, my excitement to explore the island lessened. I was incredibly excited to run around the island initially -- only to find out portions of it would be blocked off for the first couple days, or a quest wouldn't be doable until later. I felt the sense of exploration being taken from me as I wanted to search and explore.

At it's core, taking photos of animals can be a wildly fun expedition, there just wasn't enough to do. It wasn't like I was on a safari and snapping photos for points like Pokemon Snap -- and I wasn't able to parkour or use any fancy movement to get to more areas and explore like A Short Hike or even something tranquil like Outer Wilds but instead found myself locked down for most of the time.

When I did set off, I had already found a lot of what was interesting about the island and was going from point A to B for each quest before returning for another day of questing. There wasn't anything driving my sense of adventure once I knew how the game would play out. Heck, the photos I took for the story wouldn't matter since it'd just show a pre-rendered photo instead.

During the opening cutscene I tried to jokingly take a photo of my abuelo without my abuela to see what'd happen, instead of using my photo or telling me I did it wrong, it displayed the right photo and progressed the story. Never did I get the opportunity to revisit my photos or even see them during the credits, they were just lost to time.

And at the end of 100% completing the few things that were left, what was I rewarded with for my wildlife adventure? A badge. An unviewable badge. It didn't show up on my notebook or anywhere on my game.

I wish the best for all y'all who liked this game. Hopefully one day I'll find that perfect exploration game for me. Until that day, I guess I need to go back to the list of games I need to finish.

- Awesome story and ending.
- Combat was the weakest and most frustrating point to me.
- Gameplay, mechanics and enemies are repetitive and doesn't evolve along the game. Although the are based on the first game, there isn't a real new concept to them.

Es decente, su mayor problema fue lo exagerado que fueron los medios y la prensa inflandolo como lo mejor en el mundo. No lo es.