47 Reviews liked by JimBebop

I'm gonna be honest. For the first little bit, the game was really fun. I really enjoyed unlocking new powers, doing side quests, and fighting looters. Then the bridge opened and a whole new half of the map opened up where you did the same exact thing as before. There were some new enemies but I don't think that they were numerous enough. I wanted to fight conduits more often and see more cool powers but there just wasn't enough to make me stay.

Se deja ver una mejora en relación a sus iteraciones, pero enseguida se empaña por un diseño de niveles vago, no invita al desafio en su modo normal y la inteligencia artificial parece más bien idiota por momentos. Aburrido.

The first-half is a captivating jaunt through a secret science facility. The second-half is a frustrating struggle with scripted sequences and wildly awkward platforming. Some of Half-Life is fantastic, but it falls apart too much toward the end to be one of the greats.



An amazing indie story game with stunning visuals. One my favorites that i have played.



Simplesmente o meu jogo favorito, esse jogo me coloco no mundo dos jogos que eu amo tanto e me mostrou como um jogo ou um filme pode ser tão tocante e tão emocionante

Twin Peaks from Shein.

It has some inventive and visually stunning moments, but I'm not feeling the actual game part; I'm very bored. Tiresome combat and far too many moments that just remove you from the experience (Saga's mind place is a fun idea, but I don't think it works).

Horror elements fall flat with it's over-reliance on jump scares; they kill any hint of atmosphere for me. I feel like I'm watching The Nun.

We're done here! 2 and a half stars! Honestly, it deserves 2 stars for being digital only; it's a perfect throw it on Ebay game for me, but I fear this is the sad future of games, so no point in being old man yells at cloud about it.

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

It's inFAMOUS, but again
It improves on some stuff, more variety in abilities, quicker movement around the map and choices being a bit more impactful for example
But it also keeps some flaws like the really poor optimization. I played the last game emulated and I mostly blamed the emulation for the poor performance, but this time I played it on the real hardware and it was a just barely better experience.

Overall inFAMOUS 2 is the sequel to one of the games of all time, but not thaat special.

Beautiful presentation, impressive art direction, incredible graphics and use of multi-media, a mindbending story that was fascinating and, at times, a little heartbreaking.

But the gameplay was tedious. A slog even. This game broke the cardinal rule of not being fun to play. A lot to admire for sure, and I think Remedy will one day make a masterpiece but they need to make sure the playing part is just as engaging as their storytelling. Enemy variety was nonexistent. Enemies were bullet sponges. A lot of tedious walking around with nothing to engage with. Tedious puzzles. And Saga’s Mind Place was a snoozefest.

Ultimately, I’m pretty disappointed because the potential for this to be amazing was definitely here. Maybe next time.

I wish I would have liked it more but, it didn't click.
The story is something between wannabe mysteriously twisty and complete bullshit.
The gameplay, besides walking from one awkward short film to another, is pretty solid, but couldn't compete with the Resident Evils of this world and leaves a lot to be desired. It would have been so much better not to rely this hard on Meme or viral worthy moments like the infamous musical scene, and kept the focus on stunning in game engine moments.
Technical issues are not game breaking, but very annoying.
The ending is very unsatisfying and kinda cheap.
To sum it up, I feel like there was so much potential for this game but they completely fumbled this one and I am slightly disappointed.

It starts off really good. Drags you into the story really well. But there is just too much walking. I wanted to do side quests a bit more but got discouraged because of the slow walking speed. And I really like backtracking and stuff like that in good games like this. Also, the game mechanics are a bit rusty. The story is really a great point but to be honest there was a bit too much of it. I want to actually play the game a bit and not collect papers, have long cutscenes, and do those profiling things. It also has optimization problems. Sometimes it loads for too long and has some technical issues which are quite frequent.

Overall it is a solid game, with having fun exploring and just being there since it is so unique and different. So you don't know what's coming next.

Wonder es el peor Mario de la serie principal desde, no se... Hago memoria y es que ni World, ni los Galaxy, ni Land me parecen tan malos. Los New, que ya eran una versión descafeinada de Mario 3, aun guardaban algo más de interés. El movimiento de Mario se había limado mucho pero seguía manteniendo un mínimo de peso, acelerar guardaba su inercia. En Wonder tenemos el movimiento de Mario más digital de toda la saga. En mi partida escogí a Luigi porque me daba la opción y, no se si habrá alguna diferencia con Mario, pero este no es Luigi. En Mario 2 (J), donde se introdujo por primera vez a Luigi con movimiento propio, el personaje patinaba, aceleraba más rápido y tardaba más en frenar, saltaba más alto y era más incontrolable. Luigi aquí no tiene personalidad. El movimiento de Wonder me recuerda a fangames como Super Mario Flashback. Con cosas así se puede perdonar que el que lo hace no sepa que Mario es su movimiento, porque es un proyecto fan, no tiene las mismas exigencias, etc. Aquí lo preocupante es que son de Nintendo quienes han cometido este ataque a los principios básicos del gordo italiano.

El diseño de niveles no mejora el movimiento. A caba bandera de cierre solo me venía a la cabeza: "no me creo que eso haya sido el nivel". Al poco rato de terminar el juego ya había olvidado la mayoría de ellos. Que cosa más básica, plana, sin fricción. Líneas rectas sin apenas obstáculos o enemigos. Ni siquiera se atreven a combinar más de una idea a la vez, algo básico que solían hacer estos juegos. Algunos bill balas en una sección de autoscroll, un lakitu lanzándote pinchones en una sección de plataformas móviles. Algo, lo que sea. Antes de empezar con Wonder me puse el New de Wii, porque nunca lo había jugado y para recordar el tacto de Mario. Nunca pensé que diría algo así, pero pasar de los niveles de New a estos es un abismo.

Y con los power-ups igual. En el New, uno de los nuevos power-ups que te introducen es el traje de pingüino. Tan ridículo como se ve, hace un uso interesante del movimiento de Mario, que al agacharse en carrera se desliza sobre la panza. La orografía de los niveles en los que te lo daban estaba llena de pendientes, subidas y bajadas, hielo y plataformas. Ninguna genialidad pero el mínimo para hacer disfrutable atravesarlos deslizándote. El primer power-up de Wonder es el elefante. ¿Qué aporta exactamente? ¿Se siente más pesado de controlar? ¿Es más lento o contundente? ¿Puedes, yo que se, balancearte con la trompa? Nada. La ausencia de personalidad del elefante es la misma que la de Luigi o Mario sin transformar. Ah, pero puedes dar trompazos. Enhorabuena, le has añadido un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo a Mario. Menuda revolución.

Lo de las habilidades secundarias ni lo voy a comentar, parecen sacadas de Celeste.

El principal atractivo de Wonder, la wonder-flor, que da un giro a los niveles y les aporta el toque de "locura", decir que es anecdótico sería tenerle demasiada consideración. Si te paras a analizar cada sección alternativa, ¿ofrecen algo más allá de la primera impresión? ¿Repetirías un nivel únicamente para volver a jugar esa sección en la que las tuberías suben y bajan o en la que cambia la perspectiva u otra tontería de usar y tirar? Cualquier nivel de Pizza Tower, el que sea, deja en vergüenza la wonder-flor. El ansia y velocidad con que te incitan a jugar, el ritmo de lanzarte ideas sin mayor introducción, ahora estás hecho de queso, ahora eres una armadura, ahora eres una caja de pizza y vuelas y enseguida entiendes el nuevo movimiento y navegas el nivel de otra forma y de pronto llegas al final y la música cambia y acelera y tienes que correr de vuelta a toda hostia y retrocedes a trompicones y Gustavo te mete prisa y entras en un caos a máxima velocidad... Se siente hasta injusta la comparación con Wonder.

Mario Wonder es una desgracia de juego. Es patético como Mario y una falta de saber hacer y visión preocupante. No es que esperase mucho de la Nintendo actual, pero esto me parece un nuevo nivel de bajeza. En un Mario principal, que es peor. Si fuera un Yoshi, que nadie espera nada de él pues todavía, pero en la saga insignia de Nintendo es triste y, sinceramente, me ha quitado las ganas de probar ningún juego que saque esta compañía en el futuro.

Yeah I'm tapped out for a while. The last five hours of this game have been filled with bugs, painfully boring quests, and painstaking tedious janky combat sections. I just can't put up with this game anymore. Exploration is terrible and nonexistent, and in my 12 or so hours I have not once actually roamed a planet and discovered anything interesting or worthwhile. Also there are long periods of time where you do no combat at all. The decision to have no ground maneuvering is mind-boggling. Ship combat is good but you are literally barely in it at all for any reason. I've only done one dogfight in space outside of the tutorial and once and it was long and tedious. To state the positives, all the writing is fantastic and the game looks incredible. Also the OST is stellar. And when you don't encounter a bug and are in the action, it for sure is a decent amount of fun. The problem though is that this game has usual western AAA open world game-isms. Markers, barren open worlds, generic gameplay, an illusion of freedom, bugs, the whole nine yards. I can go on and on ranting about the many problems with this game but the slow pacing and tired gameplay loop and systems have put me off from playing this for a long time. Maybe in a few years when there are great mods and the problems are ironed out. I actually enjoyed the first few hours too. Huge disappointment smh I actually really hated my time with this in the last handful of hours.
UPDATE: I continued playing about ten hours more of the game to see if my opinion would change or things would get better, and they absolutely have not. The combat sections just revolve around you constantly dying repeatedly because movement is so slow and enemies much lower level than you are sponges. Like every time you get to the fun part (shooting bad guys), it's the worst experience possible because you can't get through to the objective. Also, enemies just know where you are at all times I guess? I literally killed an enemy and hid invisible behind a desk in a room with a closed door, and the enemy immediately knew exactly where I was. Also, WHY THE HELL ARE HEALING ITEMS SO SCARCE DUDE. The game still has that heavy dose of Bethesda jank and glitchyness. Just in general I wish things were more streamlined and less complicated. Why aren't there more merchants? Why is there no real map telling you points of interests, shops, where elevators are? I haven't even bothered with outposts or have a desire to upgrade my ship or recruit members or upgrade weapons because it all feels uninviting and pointless. All the planets and worlds are just vessels to go to your next objective or certain uninteresting points of interest, instead of you having a desire to go to those locations or explore for yourself. All the cool stuff I discovered were in space. Whether that's being a pirate, ship combat, or finding a party ship, they are cool elements of the game. But stuff like the party ship for example, it was completely and utterly pointless once again. You just go zero gravity and wonder about... and that's all there is to do or see there. The game can be best summed up as tedious. This game is a jack of many trades but a master of none. I really wanted to love this game man. But I’ve given it too much of my time where it feels like I’m on copium at this point. I am having a miserable experience.

This game exhausted me. It was genuinely draining to play.