Look good, sound good. One of those places it's great to be in. Genuinely feels like you're bending reality to your will at the end, magic experience.

Had a really good time, but honestly felt like I was missing something, waiting for a set piece or a cutscene or whatever to knock me sideways. There's some mad stuff for sure, and the post-game had me momentarily stunned, but overall I'm not in love with it. Maybe it's just been hyped up too much.

There's an unfinished vibe permeating the world; quest lines that wither to nothing, tripwires in the wild that don't seem to belong to anybody, what are those big empty cages for, a vague lost-in-translation plot, etc. A climactic moment referred to my "beloved" and I was like...her? Honestly feel like I accidently skipped some important stuff, or it didn't trigger, or something. Or again maybe I was just expecting too much.

It's a testament to how fun (and funny) it is that I simply ignored stuff that I've properly grumbled about in other games, like the generic fantasy aesthetic and the excessive amount of materials for crafting (which I managed to almost completely ignore by just having magic pawns cover all the healing and buff/debuff business). Combat is a hoot, and the party system makes for a grand adventure. Even when I'm not sure what I'm doing next (which is often), I'm happy to just pick a random quest from my list and head out with my scantily-clad entourage. Plus the Bitterblack Isle stuff is some good solid dungeoneering.

It's good! I'm not sure it's great. Though there were definitely times when I muttered quietly to myself "this is better than Elden Ring".


This is a game about a guy who's bored senseless with everything. The action is hypnotic rather than exciting, the activities in-between are merely ways to pass time. There's every chance you'll get nothing out of this. I thought it was beautiful.

At the start you have to choose a date in November to circle on a calendar, and the game takes place in the couple of weeks running up to that date. My birthday is in November, so I picked that, and you can probably guess what happens when you get there.

Also it's rock hard.

Pick it up if you see it cheap, it's an experience.

This Xmas I bought my wife a clip-on light + magnifier for her original Game Boy and I'm currently sat playing Tetris while waiting for dinner.

I love the purity of not being able to hold a piece, when you just have to deal with what's right in front of you, so much more likely to end up with big holes in your wall and have to fight your way out. Lovely stuff. Perfect.

Had a sudden impulse out of nowhere to try this again. Maybe I was too harsh last time? Maybe I wasn't in the right place?

As soon as I'd entered my name, the dude in front of me said "here comes the guard" and the guard got stuck walking back and forth in front of the doorway. "Better do as he says" my friend tells me. The guard says nothing, but keeps walking.

Ah, the classic jank, I heard about you. Chortle. Restart.

I made it a good few hours in this time, joined a guild and stole some gear and bought a sword, completed a couple of quests, and chuckled at the unprompted chatter from passers-by, but then I found myself somewhere I couldn't get away from safely, and just sighed for a bit.

I gave it a fair shake, and yeah there's something compelling about being whoever you want to be in this massive world, even if it is pretty dull and generic, but fuck me I cannot be doing with the invisible numbers bullshit the combat is based around. When I wave a sword, I expect it to slice. Is that too much to ask? Apparently yes.

Started to well up a bit when they called Nia over on the title screen. Such a wonderful time.

Everyone looks like a freak and they all have completely different regional accents and the camera judder pissed my eyes off

Until recently, this was just something I had idly added to my backlog before continuing to bounce between Xenoblade and Elden Ring and Splatoon, but when I heard it was leaving gamepass I thought I'd give it a go.

Tonight I'm a mess. I'm so close to victory, but I've run out of time. Maybe I could have done better, but I got distracted along the way, fulfilling promises to other people, indulging my impulses. This isn't the end, but it is, and right now I can't change that.

Unsighted has been one of my favourite experiences in years, please buy the album I had to spend all week recording instead of playing this game so that I can buy my own copy now it's left gamepass, cheers x

Extremely cursed, highly recommended, even if only for the weird background music and the insano-digitised "resident evil"

Aaaaaah it's good but horribly horribly mean in many many ways. At least the game over song is cool.

No karaoke, but you do get to beat up tons of cops. I'd like to hang out with these guys again.


We used to play this with five players: two people would control Twin Noritta, AKA "The Dual Ship", one on steering and one on throttle/boost. Anyone finishing behind The Dual Ship would swap in next round, which made for some violent races.

Once the random track generator gave us a hairpin on the crest of a hill so tight that half the ships would fly off each lap.

I loved everything about this game.

¹unity with the track

Fuckin loved it. Actual freedom. Go to school or don't, get a job or don't, fight in the street or don't.

One of those games you can just live in, sitting in the cafe reading a book to cool music, or hanging on the balcony with a cigarette watching a couple of lads having a scrap.

Feels like it was made for me, and the ending was like a gutpunch in extreme slow motion. I think about it often.

They got me again. I've somehow paid six times for three games.

Valor style is great though, and I love how it looks on Switch. Vibrant, flashy, easy to read. The most fun I've had with Monster Hunter so far.

As always, I put a couple of hundred hours into it then moved on, only to hear news of the next installment and get right back into it.

UPDATE: finished solo story mode. Such a good time. Big celebration of everything Monster Hunter. A place I will happily visit again one day.