Did a big laugh every time a demon ripped off my arms and beat me to death with them. Good and fun.


Unexpectedly tough combat makes for a miserable experience, especially with the horrible parry timing, but they clearly realised this as there's accessibility settings for infinite health and stamina. Bang them on, you'll still get knocked about but you can learn attack patterns without having to start the fights over again a dozen times

Even then, it seems to have missed the point of the two main things it's cribbing from. BUT it's got some good ideas of its own worth seeing. I dunno. I did finish it, so it's definitely got something. But I dunno.

This would be the ideal compromise for a From game I reckon. Or any game. Put this in everything, a pound says the game still holds up.

Micro Machines x Extreme Exorcism, but chill. A neat little thing to have to hand, squeeze out tiny efficiencies when you're waiting for a bus or sutin.

Free to play, but worth dropping a couple of quid to enable checkpoints. When a mobile game is decidedly not about timers and resources and currencies and adverts, that's something to be supported.

Shat it at the brightness adjustment screen and turned it off

There should be a worldwide contest where everyone plays this and whoever is crowned champion gets to rule earth

I mean, it's beautiful, I feel like I'm really Next Gen Gaming now. But the environments seem to be designed to break the flow of what could have been something magnificent. And the chatter? Nah. This needed zero human elements.

There's moments, but not enough. Play Orbient instead.

Oh no it's too fast in not having fun I want to get off

They want you to draw the pacman in a very specific way, but they're not specific enough about how. What is the difference between a living pacman and an inanimate scribble? Fucked if I know.

Entirely thematically justified by the player character refreshingly being just another soldier in a larger conflict instead of a magical chosen one destined to save the world, but fuck me there's a lot of busywork in this.

Still, it's a great world to explore. I spent ages just running around, jank-platforming up rocks, setting the camera to first-person and diving off the highest points I could find. The combat is great, your teammates are a good bunch, and when the robots finally arrive the game shifts gear and opens up even further. If you can fight your way through the bloat, there's a lot to love.

Fond memories of making the batman do a funny walk facing towards me while I sang a little "do do-do" fanfare

I bought a PS3 just to play this, because the magazines had me convinced it was a continuation of the Deus Ex vibe. I didn't get that from it really, too focused and polished and linear, but on its own merits I had lovely and horrible time under the sea.

Playing it again recently though...bit samey, innit? One of those games where they give you a whole bunch of interesting weapons and powers and they all get left in the dust because nothing beats the very first one two punch you learn: electric zap and shotgun blast.

Tried to play this like I would normally play Doom and got my ass kicked.

Started again on a lower difficulty and had a brilliant adventure. Haven't laughed this much at game in ages, every aesthetic detail feels pitch-perfect, grinning and giggling for two hours straight.

Early on I got stuck and convinced myself that pissing on something would help me progress, so I went around pissing on the posters and the flagpoles and the statue and the grave. I don't think it worked, but I wouldn't rule it out for something, I only got 23% on secrets...

Overall, 10/10, would piss again.

Strutting around with pals, listing to some good tunes, kicking everything in sight... Sometimes that's all you need. A lovely time.

Very happy I fell for the scam of "Here's a moderately improved edition of a game you drifted away from". I never finished Tri, so I went all-in on this, buying both versions so I could take it with me when visiting the in-laws of a weekend.

Online gaming had completely passed me by until this, when I spent many nights just lazily chatting with folk around the world as we battered giant dragons. A good time.

I have come to resent this.

My pre-order of the lovely big box of Metroid Dread disappeared in a puff of smoke on release day eve, so I had to order a replacement, and the delivery estimate was FOUR WORKING DAYS.

After a weekend of first world grumps, I figured I could blast through Samus Returns in a few days as a warmup. So I played and enjoyed it for a couple of days, and then MY BIG BOX ARRIVED! But my idiot brain wouldn't let me just drop one game unfinished for another, oh no. So I've been playing and slowly turning against Samus Returns all bloody week.

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after trying and failing to batter through Code Veronica in the run up to Resi 4.