90 reviews liked by Jon_Arbucle


So, I bought the second one just because of the story, cause I'm in love with Assassin's Creed universe... I do not regret it!

They improved a lot of things, mainly the gameplay. We still have a good story and it's awesome how they mixed it with the collectibles. I hate 100% ubisoft games, cause it's always the same "there are 985345 collectibles through the map, good luck <3". BUT in AC2, we have codex pages that explains a lot of things Altair did in the meantime, we have feathers that have a meaning (you get to see some cutscenes) and It's cool to see the town improving.

I adored the fact they built this game mixed with reality, with "the truth" and historical facts. The OST is a banger, it is one of the reasons I wanted to play, cause I had it on my spotify even before I started.

The gameplay was hugely improved, parkour is faster, we have more diversity of weapons, stealth options, not having to do the same mission on and on, etc. I'm not saying It's perfect, but it's okay now.

"did you have problems with it?"

It's ubisoft, what do you think? The only ubisoft game that didn't crash on my pc was rayman origins, and it's a 2d one. BUT, this was the one that crashed the least.

Is it worth it? Yes.

"Requiescat in pace"

I just rate it as a 7 due to the story, cause the gameplay sucks.

The ambience for a 2007 game is fantastic, the songs are ok and the story cativated me the most, BUT

It's ubisoft. They have the money, they have qualified people, but they always make a mediocre gameplay. First game of the saga is basically: go there and "investigate" (what it means you have to do the same missions 9 times to discover where your targets are).

I don't remember much stuff about the other ones, but in AC1 the guards literally wanna kill me for any reason. "Oh, you gave me a little bump while you were walking, I'm gonna call 15 guards to gang bang you." The combat is pretty much the same and kinda boring. If you wanna run away, good luck trying. If you're doing parkour, they'll throw ROCKS at you and you'll fall. When you're almost in the hiding spot, they'll find you <3

All I said + tons of bugs and freezings from a 2007 GAME IN A PC THAT RUNS GTA V

Just buy it if you wanna play all of them

Honestly the game works and that’s better than anyone can say for most mobile FPS games. While it does its absolute best to emulate the MW3/Black Ops era of CoD on a mobile device it really is just a barebones version of those games’ combat with a futuristic coat of paint while being half populated by bots.

The sweetest game in the Mobile Games market. Gone by now but will forever live in our hearts. Easy: 5/5

So sad to had seen it gone

yah i was that level of nerd
u don't really need to know Japanese to play this

I rlly miss this game. I was a very jojo nerd in 2019 and this app made my more brainrot about jojo's

I hope Bandai make a comeback of this mobile game one day

An okay gacha, still being supported through events and collaborations, that may or may not attract only those that are bond with the series as a whole rather than new players interested in the series or this game specifically.

I always wanted to play a beat'em up kof game... but not a gacha one... It has a good gameplay and nice graphics, the artwork quality is amazing, but that is where it ends. gatcha games with unbalanced characters are usual, nothing more.