Drove me insane but some of the most fun I've ever had playing a multiplayer shooter.

Other than Double-Dash, this is the best kart racer ever.

Still as good today as it was back then, no one does it like Valve.

Stardew Valley is a shining beacon of indie development. Everything about Stardew Valley screams of love and respect for the medium, and I come back to it year after year to either by myself or with friends and have an amazing time, every time.

Some great Mario platforming, though the level design can be forgettable after the stage is over. Definitely upped by the second.

Some of the most scared I've ever been playing a game. A great return to form for Capcom that's just kept going and going.

The best Fallout game. Would kill for a remaster because it do be kinda ugly.

Really loved it on release but hasn't aged the most gracefully. The least distinct, combat-wise, of the entire series, and kinda bugles Fitzroy's character.

The ending is terrible and it doesn't dive into the emotional maturity I'd like for a story like this but it's so much fun with a friend or partner the entire way through that the story misgivings only take it down a peg.

Similar issues to RDII, gorgeous world and characters and lore, but the gameplay feels toothless and overly micro-managing, role-playing feels useless as a defined character, and the UI makes me sad.

It's beating my ass but I'm loving it in a way that the other Souls-like don't click with me

The greatest 3D platformer of all time.

A masterclass in satire, somehow still looks stunning (after several heavy updates) a decade later, and GTA Online has its hooks in me. Definitely some dated and constricted game design, but missions and contexts are varied enough to keep you locked in the whole way through.

Literally changed game and puzzle design forever.

The gameplay totally kills this game for me. It's visually stunning, the performances are unbelievably good, and the score is masterful, but the gameplay feels like 2002, and there are too many bizarre design choices that take me out of the cowboy life at every turn. Wish I could love this like others do.