Fun for a little bit and then you feel how hellish the controls are

It's garbage, it's trash, and ridiculous, and some of the most memorable and fun video gaming I've ever done. Putrid execution 10/10 no notes

A solid, if boring, entry in Pokemon. I had my fun with it, but I miss the ambition.

This is how you make a fucking racing game.
Update to 5 stars: there is literally not another racing game better than this. Unbridled and unabashed automotive joy.

I learned to love JRPS playing DQXI. Such a joyous and polished work of traditional JRPG goodness. An unbelievable blast.

One of the greatest turn-based RPG's ever. Solves almost every problem one could have with the passivity of turn-based combat, with a world that's so finely fleshed out. A masterpiece.

The pinnacle of Rockstar's GTA3-onward game design. An unforgettable story in a world that felt truly lived in.

An engaging story that suffers from a twist that comes way too late (you've figured it out hours ago) with an open world that's sometimes brilliant and other times tedious.

A beat em up tuned just how I like em, quick and fun.

Extraordinarily fun and polished 2D platforming with multiplayer that doesn't make you hate your friends.

Very fun handheld Zelda but nothing to write home about.

Call of Duty in color. An entirely remarkable and memorable FPS with a fantastic multiplayer suite. They don't make CODs like they used to.

The best version of one of the greatest games of all time. Wish they'd port it to Switch.

Not enough levels, far too short, but is a great celebration of Sonic and what makes 2D and 3D Sonic fun.

3D World is a ton of fun (if a bit forgettable) but Bower's Fury points toward the future of 3D Mario and it looks rad.