A really frustrating review for me, i desperately wanted to like this and really did for the initial exploration bit, honestly thought it was a goty for me and wouldn’t stop talking about it to people, even with the combat problems. For me personally, the later part of the game completely upended that feeling for me and the sense of progression i was feeling to the point of souring the whole game for me. I think it’s a me problem, idk. The last boss is waaay too long compared to the rest of the game too imo.

ALSO ffs the “end game puzzles” (if that’s what you want to call them no spoilers no spoilers) is some of the most obtuse, arcane stuff i have ever seen in a video game, i literally tried finishing one of the puzzles for like half an hour and ended up looking it up and literally said out loud, by myself, “man you gotta be fuckin kidding me,” and studied the solution! Like i still don’t know how the solution fits the puzzle!! I may be an idiot but jeez hoo buddy if you want a true ending i hope you have like at least a master’s in puzzles lmao

First time playing this generation, and i can’t tell if i don’t like the original games, or if the remakes are the problem. Easily the worst experience I’ve had playing a pokemon game so far, i think i’m done giving game freak my money. It feels the same kind of sterile that the new super mario games have, like i’m not a game dev but “zero effort” is the first thing that comes to my mind. I like the pokemon in this gen though! Wish i got to see more of them instead of fucking bidoofs and budews and first gen pokemon everywhere.

One of those games that i never played as a kid that just isn’t for me anymore. Made it to Threed and lost all motivation to play, tried to come back today after like a month off of it and couldn’t bring myself to keep going. It’s just so boring and slow, i know that’s the point, but i just can’t do it anymore. Probably would have loved this if i hadn’t played so many derivative works based on it already. Or maybe not, idk it’s hard to say, i know i’m like “supposed” to like it or whatever, but i know for a fact i would have hated talking to earthbound people about this game as a kid just as much as i hate talking to undertale people now, and i think that would have soured the game for me. Anyway, courtesy 3⭐️ as a medal of honor for being influential and getting small nose exhales out of me like twice.

This game is fun sometimes, but every strand of souls dna makes it a complete slog for me most of the time. This is the most fun I have had playing a souls game, combat feels good. Story must be a comedy. Kinda reminds me of the story game in a fighting game, completely hobbled together with twine just to get people to hit each other.

Got to the last boss, spent about two hours grinding it until I got to the final phase for the first time. I paused it, went to the restroom, came back and looked at the menu and just couldn’t find the motivation to do it anymore. At a certain point you have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “why do you continue to try to placate people? Why do you continue to waste your time?” I feel nothing completing bosses in these games. I will continue to feel nothing from this game developer. I will not be trying another one of their games, even if I was paid a hundred dollars an hour to do so.

Full disclosure:
I played and finished XI before i touched this game, the only exposure i ever had was watching my cousins play it when i was younger.

This game is super fun, but man, it’s hard to find motivation to get through it. I’ve heard the story with the earlier games is better than this one, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say the majority of the thrust of this game is what amounts to giving some weird dude a glow up, and also your character wants to fuck the horse. Obviously there’s some stuff here and there that’s really nice! I don’t know if i’m so used to the apocalyptica setting of other rpgs i’ve played, or if it’s honestly the game, it just didn’t grab me the way other games like this do. I believe i started this about a year and a half ago, took a long break, and bucked up for the past two months.

Gameplay is cool, a little dated even at the time, but like that’s kind of the appeal. I can get into the pedantic complaints, like “the map is so shitty” and “what do you mean i can’t undo my skill points” and “i’m sorry, i have to find orbs now?” but i won’t.

I really don’t know how to give this a fair review since i’ve played XI and it’s so monumentally a better game. Maybe if i had played this like 15 years ago i’d have given it a perfect score. Maybe this was what i was looking for when i complain about post-X final fantasy games. All i have of worth to say is that i had a really good time playing this, but you really ought to play XI if you’ve played zero dragon quest games. I really don’t see any value playing this today other than historical completionism.

it is difficult to recommend a game that forces you to talk to a such an annoying character for nearly the whole game, and freya makes me want to pour fresh coffee in my eye sockets she is so fucking annoying. everyone else is chill though.

this game was pretty good, but really frustrating and janky at times. is that the genre? if it's a soulslike it's gotta have some broken movement and inconsistent button buffering? idk.

i famously hate games without maps, one of my friends said it would be "literally impossible" to put a map in dark souls. i said "what about metroid prime" and he said "that would never work." he’s never gonna believe this shit.

one more thing, lead guy is a dumbass and the darth maul girl is a honey

(just gonna hop back into this review, the credits have been going for i think TWENTY minutes and i cannot skip them, do not finish this game im warning you)

very nice :) only things that really bothered me were all the invisible walls, the virus sections, and the sick soap shoes grinding is wayyyy too slow. cool game though, reminded me a lot of playing the ps2 ones, i’m sure there’s a lot of quality of life improvements but they kept the vibe intact.

second run ever, made it to hand of the king phase two and ended up dying, got the gist. absolutely ecstatic that i did not pay money for this game.

The shopkeeper made me laugh sometimes, but I personally can’t stand to ingest media that refuse to treat itself in earnest, like not everything has to be “witty” or whatever. Idk. Also wasn’t expecting the gameplay twist, and I’m not a fan. Music is cool though.

shit is sick, the music is fuckin tight too, big recommend

Items 70%, deaths 300

i feel obligated to give this game a higher score than i think it actually deserves in case nintendo looks at the average scores online and decides no more metroid for 20 years again.

it’s good but it feels squirrelly with the analog aiming, and also the sound design is the worst in the whole series. also the game feels like it railroads you more than the other metroids which i don’t like, but maybe i’m misremembering how these go when they’re fresh.

the biggest complaint that i have is that there are literally zero consequences when you die, there were points i brute forced parries through an emmi room literally only because i knew i would spawn outside the room and lose nothing. like who tf cares if the emmis one shot you if you just respawn lmao it’s like temple run.

overall, coming from a big metroid guy, it’s aight, not disappointed with this game, but trepidatious of the future of these games.

used this as a train game for a couple weeks, chummy lil game. kinda cool in a "man it's 2021 and i could be playing basically any other game in the world and today i'm playing this" kinda way. nice quaint experience.

Viper - You'll Cowards Don't Even Play Picross

time played: 65h 55m


This game looks like a deviantart page lmao