23 Reviews liked by JoyQazi

I wrongfully gave this game a 3 star initially. I've never been so wrong.

“Open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me, and you will find every reason to keep living in it.”

Santa Monica outdid themselves with this one. As someone who hasn’t played any of games until GoW: 2018, the way Ragnarök moved me is unreal. One of the best-writing feats in the medium, no doubt about it. Such a beautifully crafted story about walking your own path and seeing the worth of living Kratos’ journey and his scenes with Faye, Atreus, and his journey with fate as Loki, and all the other cast members were great. We also get a fantastic soundtrack that amplifies the story and world even more.

In the gaming aspect, Ragnarök improves every aspect from its predecessor. The addition of playing as Atreus, having other new party members drop-downs, and new movement techniques like grappling make the game feel so smooth, a significant upgrade from 2018. The game looks unreal graphic-wise on the PS5, and this was one of the best games I’ve played around its launch.

10/10 from Santa Monica. The main story is done and getting platinum soon.

From the very first God of war game to this...I couldn't ask for a more perfect Ending to the legend kratos' story.

I had no intention of writing a review, simply because I had no idea how to express myself after an adventure such as this. I'm simply floored. I seriously don't know how this can be topped.

During my playthrough I kept thinking that something felt off, and that the story at times didn't connect. In retrospect, I realise it all was the perfect buildup to what eventually led to Ragnarök. Every thread of the story I felt was mishandled eventually weaved into this bulletproof piece of fabric of a story.

For now I'll need to collect myself before I collapse. (Just completed the game). Prolly make a more fleshed out review once I potentially 100% the game.

In the review I did for God of War (2018) , which also my first review on Backloggd, I expressed my expectations and anticipation of this game. Let's just say I wasn't let down. :,)

You know this game is good when there's a anime theme song

Better than Arkham asylum in every way possible. Boss fights have been cut down significantly which is something I’m incredibly thankful for since I disliked the majority of the ones in Arkham Asylum and the story, environment and characters are all way more interesting.

My Swedish teacher blasted the Cantina Band Loop for 3h straight in celebration of 'May the 4th'. After listening to it for so long I convinced myself to buy The Skywalker Saga, and oh boy was it worth it!

I’ve had my low moments when it comes to this game but overall it comes together as such a beautiful experience to play that those bad moments don’t bother me. The story is simple but it’s done so in a way that basically anybody can relate to the main characters goal in one way or another. The characters, The level design, The mechanics and The beautiful pixelated graphics come together to craft One of the best Indie games ever.

I have played it over 200hrs and I’m still having fun and want to play it more. Peak gaming experience evaaaaar!

Amazing game that every1 should try.

genuinely the best open world game that has ever been developed, so happy this lived up to my expectations and so, so much more.

I could already tell from playing the demo that this is going to be a classic, and I was right, cuz this shit is bussin'. Abilities, platforming, puzzling, and the goddamn music, drool. I'm a sucker for the ost and all Kirby games I've played thus far have delivered on that front.

The only thing remaining now is a remake/remaster of
Kirby 64: the Crystal Shards*, and Kirby will be golden. Do it Nintendo. That's a threat.

Forza Horizon is as fun as it always has been but it has grown old and it just feels overly recycled at this point. The only thing that got me coming back are the Showcases but there's unfortunately only a handful of em' and I feel like they weren't as polished or highly scoped as FH4s'. The amount of activities is overwhelming and they keep piling up as you progress. Even after my completion of the main campaign, I still have 85~% left to do, and I don't intend to even try completing them all.

Wind Waker was to a beginning quite clunky when it comes to the controls, but it's something you get used to as you progress, at the same time you have to remember that this beaut of a gem was made in 2002.

Even if it isn't per definition an open world game, it still shares significant resemblances with Breath of the Wild, such as the open-world type of world where you can cruise around between different islands that all differ from one another in some kind of way.

There's a lot to love about Wind Waker, such as the cartoon-ish yet beautiful artstyle, the vast and expansive world, it's characters, and last but not least the great and emotional story.

Unacceptable to give this less than a 10.