23 reviews liked by JustMichael

This game is a Rebirth in the way that Buddhists believe you will be reborn as a hungry ghost with an enormous stomach and a tiny mouth as a punishment for leading a life consumed by greed and spite

Pokémon fans discovering basic roguelike trends and even more basic storytelling for the first time and hailing both of those as a masterpiece because they clear the low bar of mainline Pokémon slop

This is the equivalent of finding the holy grail but for browser games

Pokémon fans have zero standards I swear to god. How could you call gen 5 “perfect” when it has the severe flaw of reminding me that Long Island exists?

When i was 8 years old i knelt before my window and prayed to god that i would wake up tomorrow on a beach as a Pokemon with no memories and join a guild and save the world.

became atheist the next day.

Soujuurou is my MC dawg. Realest character to ever live.

I got my copy of Pet Alien at the pharmacy many years ago. This is a puzzle game where you go around and collect gems and break blocks and shit. One of those games where there's probably a murder confession in the coding somewhere. The craziest plot twist is that Pet Alien was actually a real TV show that had like 50 episodes

I had always loved JRPGs growing up. I was obsessed with Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy - the classics that defined the genre. Persona wasn't nearly as popular and it had slipped under my radar for years. When I finally caught wind of what these games were, it was honestly the perfect time - I was the same age and in the same year of school as the characters in the game.

It sounds corny, but I had never really connected with a game like this before, or realized that JRPGs could be so versatile. It was the first game I played that tackled the most mundane aspect of growing up - school - but made something fun out of it, and tied it into a frankly touching narrative about living life to its fullest.

Looking back, sure, this game has its flaws. But that first experience was honestly pure magic for me - the soundtrack, the suicidal imagery, the characters - I had never seen a game try anything like it, and it opened up an entire world of related titles for me to get into.

Why didn’t Avalanche just vote for a new CEO of Shinra?

Quest 64 is probably one of the most badass names for a video game you could come up with. It doesn't need a subtitle or anything to draw you in, because it's that raw. When I was given this cartridge as a kid, I genuinely thought it must have been one of the greatest games ever made with such a blunt title.

Quest 64 is a JRPG without party members, equipment, or a currency system. None of the towns or dungeons are particularly unique. The plot is about going to find 4 elemental orbs and a powerful book that keeps the universe held together. Despite being overall unremarkable and lacking compared to other games in the genre, to this day I feel like its simplicity is kind of charming.

Combat is unique, being turn-based, but with a limited area of free movement where you can actually dodge attacks in real time during enemy turns and position yourself for different spells. There's a lot of background story told through dialogues with NPCs. Environments, while generic, largely look pretty good and are often quite colorful.

I've seen a lot of people call this game lazy, but I think it's the opposite and the team unfortunately just wasn't able to achieve their true vision for the game. Not a masterpiece by any stretch, but not as bad as it's often made out to be.