It's a fantastic open world survival game. Don't really get the hate behind it, it doesn't sell 2 million copies for no reason.

One of the best narrative experiences you'll ever get. The scenery and graphics are absolutely stunning along with the gameplay and soundtrack.

God of War Ragnarok proved me wrong, in every way imaginable. I was very sceptical going into this game, as the first game never really appealed to me. But BOY was I wrong.

This game is nothing but a SERIOUS masterpiece. Never did I imagine finding myself emotional at a game where Kratos is in it. The combat is super enjoyable, I love how every mission has you go through almost different Realms every time so you're not doing the same thing over and over at times like in the first game. And of course, the story. The characters, the passion behind Kratos's character arc in becoming a better father for Atreus and of course finding out more about Atreus's story, in which I found at times to be some of the best moments in the game. It was very peaceful exploring different realms, and the odd fight in between just to remind you you're never truly safe. The environments were magical at times and really made it worth exploring and finding more loot as you go.

They really did use the foundations of what was an incredible first game, and turned it into one of the greatest games of all time. It is definitely one of my favourite games I've ever played not just because it was super enjoyable to play, but also super enjoyable to immerse myself in this really perfectly crafted world. Some of the best 20 hours I've spent in a video game and I recommend it to everyone as it sets the tone very quickly and gets your immersed from the first couple of minutes of gameplay.

10/10 EASILY.

Truly an incredible experience.

Was my first ever Playstation game I fully completed (got a PS5 for Christmas) and it was probably the best game to introduce me to it. The Story pacing was superb, the fighting mechanics were awesome as hell and the graphics looked stunning.
The 2 Spider Men fighting together was a joy to experience and I truly cannot wait for more Spider Man games in the future. Was a MASSIVE step up from the original games in my opinion. Really did wow me.

It's probably the most beautiful game I've ever played in my life. But for 50$ a 6 hour experience is not a good investment to make for what feels essentially like a UE5 demo and nothing else.

The combat is VERY scripted, with each hit being slightly delayed than the other as it registers your inputs before playing an animation. Not to mention they try and hide this by the story claiming they all use patterns but it's just lazy gameplay design in my opinion.

It's a lot of run here, fight a different person with the same animation with the odd boss in between. The puzzles are also pretty boring as well. Not to mention the story, which is very creepy (in a good way) and very unique.

Overall basically a UE5 demo with a decent but forgettable story and pretty lazy gameplay.

Such a beautifully crafted game. Tears were shed, the mechanics were fantastic and such an incredibly well written story.

One of the greatest games to ever exist. Such an interesting storyline, beautiful graphics and open world, gameplay is amazing and the detailed map makes for super exploration. The online is the only negative but can still be fun with friends.

Solid remaster, solid story, solid game.

Don't ask how I was playing this at 4 years old back in 2008 but I was and I wouldn't stop. Fantastic racing game.

Pretty disappointed. Nothing about the game truly gripped me, the story was pretty bad and just required you to go collect artifacts with the odd fighting before hand, the characters were pretty dull to the point I don't even remember a single name of any of the "main" characters I encountered apart from maybe one or two but it's because they had cool nicknames. The optimisation was horrible but the graphics looked decent. The NPCs walking around felt like something out of a 2014 game and overall the cities felt pretty boring.

The exploration part where they said you can explore planets is, true, but if you want to explore empty planets with the odd randomly generated base here and now and then, then I suppose it's great. The fast travel kind of ruined the whole exploration part too as it was so easy to teleport to ship, then land on the next ship that it completely made manually entering the ship, manually leaving, manually selecting a planet pretty much useless. The loading I didn't mind, would've been better without but doesn't ruin the game.

Overall I can definitely see how people can enjoy this game but I really didn't see how I could've enjoyed it more. Especially how I had multiple game breaking bugs that I needed to leave or restart from a few saves ago in order to progress. Just lost my interest super early in the game when I already didn't have much interest to begin with.

Quite simply a game I put aside for a while for what seems like to be no good reason after completing it.

I finally had the incentive to play Cyberpunk once 2.0 came out, where it was finally fully polished. Reworked missions, NPCs, Characters etc... It just made sense to finally give it a shot. And Cyberpunk 2077 is probably the first game in a while that made me not want to stop playing it from the first hour of gameplay in a while.

The graphics, gameplay, shooting, missions and best of all characters make for a memorable experience that I am glad I finally was able to experience. The character relation we hold with Panam is something only a few games can truly create the way Cyberpunk does, it's a relationship you WANT to complete side quests to be able to develop that special relationship further and make you put aside the main story missions for a while.

Overall the game's pacing, mixed in with the new phantom liberty was incredible. It's almost like it was two completely different games but they merged in with each other so well. And once again the characters were fantastic in that DLC too, if we can even call it a DLC with how good and big it was.

Overall the game took me about 24 hours to complete, and that includes the ending I redid about midway. It was taking a direction that was misleading to what the prompt and dialogues led me to believe which I hated to I quickly restarted and chose, what I believe (and the community) believes to be the best ending.

My only downside was the skill tree. Personally it didn't feel rewarding and honestly I forgot it even existed. The game is entirely beatable in an easy way if you only upgrade the basics and even then I didn't feel much of a difference in gameplay.

Overall Cyberpunk 2077 gets a 10/10 from me and joins a very small list of games I have as 10/10! I cannot wait to play the sequel in 20 years!

Very relaxing. The community is really good and the devs really do care about this game.

Really good visually and story wise