Ah yes Harry Du Bois, my poor little meow meow.
Jokes aside I really loved this game and i plan to replay it, lots of great things in it, an extremely thoughtful game that isn't afraid to incorporate bizarre/silly things to say and still manages to make the goofy parts meaningful as well. Everyone in the game felt so alive to me.

A basic game that fits it's description; being for tired people.
Compared to Hat in Time, this game isn't nearly as good, and even though I haven't finished I don't think there's anything that will be added later in my playthrough that will change my mind.
It's simple and repetitive, it's a great game if you just want something simple and cute to kill some time, and what little story there is does seem heartfelt.
It could have benefited greatly from just a bit more variety, i don't think the simple puzzles are bad, but you can make more unique puzzles while still staying simple at the same time. The game kinda feels like GfB was just trying to test stuff out, which is fine! Not every game can be a huge thing and I would rather smaller games to test stuff that can eventually lead to another amazing game in the future.

TLDR: If you like this, play Hat in Time. If you've played Hat in Time, go ahead and play this too, it's still fun if you just want something simple.

I genuinely do not understand the people here calling the characters "cringe"
Just say it's not your thing, wording it like that makes you sound more obnoxious than the characters could ever be lmao

Anyway I fucking love this game. I just wish you could have more than one save so I could replay it from the beginning

this game is super fun and relaxing however I have shit for brains and i can never have fun playing it again because i added too many mods after i finished my main playthrough ages ago and most of them are outdated now and i feel weird without my mods


you and your friends will start fighting. It's Uno

I'm too stupid to beat this game but I did (partially) spoil it for myself like an idiot because i love this world's lore. One day I'll get good at video games and beat this properly and see the story play out as intended instead of reading a wiki page. But its still super fun.

Super fun but also I'm horrible at video games



Idiot child beats the shit out of the mafia, a bird, satan, a depressed ship captain, and the entire yakuza, then beats up another child. Awesome B)

If Ghetsis didn't exist I wouldn't have a girlfriend. Thanks Ghetsis :)