My favourite game of all time but not the best

Awesome but without a guide or savestates sometimes tedious. Recipe for turnabout was not the best.

Not quite a metroidvania more like a platformer with backtracking. The abilities are really fun and the movement is smooth some areas of the game like the bog have som bad enemy placement but overall a mediocre platformer with loads of charm.

Felt really clunky and really slow turnong a ton of charm but the main gamdplay does not really hold up.

I was hoping id finally like a kirby game but was left dissapointed. The game has endless charm bit just does not click for me it just feels repetetive but the graphics, milkyway wishes and metaknight gamemodes where awesome and felt like a breath of fresh air.

A great challenging fighting game with superd pixel art, smooth animations flowing action, a fun dificulty curve and satisfying fights. It was so great my favourite fighting game of all time.

Incredibly charming and endearing characters. The dungeon crawling gameplay is great but can easily feel unfair or repetetive. The story and OST are awesome but sometimes the gameplay lacks needed nuance.

Awesome game for the time really impressive. The story and voice acting are super ahed of its time and iconic. The game however has some arcaic design with its item locations and stupid ai.

Some awesome stages and gameplay. The game however still has some very rough edges which brings this game down for me.

Really well made although a little bit simple and short. The weapons are not created equal which create frustration annoyance for me.

Classic for a reason the art, design, innovation, music are all top notch. The variety of weapons and items are also astounding. The game however was way to unbalanced for me as certain items, wepons and subwepons are way to overpowered and slaughters all bosses in seconds. For me this makes thinks like consumables and the shop obsolete and the difficulty way to easy. The inverted castle is while really cool not designed for being turned upside down. The floor and walls of the inverted castle sometimes feel clunky or needing to use the slow bat transformation just to get through corridors.

This game is where the level design, bosses and game mechanica truly becomes consistently good and enjoyable. Knuckles and tails give incredible variety and lets you approach the different paths and level design in different ways each run through. Some of the levels however still contains some clunky speed stopping roadblocks and the continue system feels a bit archaeic with how unfair sonic deaths can be at times.

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Another great igavania. The glyph system is varied and cool. Not all glyphs are balanced but the system truly satisfies everyone. Attacks consuming mp is actually a really cool idea as well with combos etc. The biggest flaw of this game is the recycled screens that happens way to often and the slow pace of the beginning of the game. When the game reaches draculas castle although it consists of mostly copied rooms the relics you have at that point and the multiple build opportunities makes the game waaay more fun.

The game has loads of charm anf improves on the ace attorney formula with innovaitive new gimmicks and systems. This just feels like a way more refined version of previous ace attorney games. The story and cases are sometimes a bit lacking though and the investigations can feel a bit stretched but in general a great game.