Una reivindicación bonita lastrada por las formas.

Una sucesión de historias duras e injustas donde te hacen preguntas innecesarias para decirte que no adivinaste o ponerte un ":(" porque la respuesta es triste. Llegué a pensar que habría un uwu en algún punto.

La parte de adivinar el año de cada suceso tenía suficiente sentido y, sobretodo, suficiente fuerza como para no necesitar nada más.

Una pena, pero sigue siendo un ejercicio especialmente interesante teniendo en cuenta que el aborto se acabó legalizando en Argentina 3 años después de la salida del juego. Quizá puede servir a la juventud argentina para echar la vista atrás y valorar el hecho de que ahora por suerte pueden decidir.

Kinda cute in a way, but also childish, ignorant, simplistic and unnecessary.

Let's begin by saying the obvious: I don't like dating sims. Part of it of course is the low tier anime-like writing, but mostly it's the concept and the systems built around it.

The game loop basically consists in choosing a couple activities to do each day, each one improving or decreasing certain stats (studying makes you intelligent, sports makes you athletic and so on) in order to impress the girl you like. Let's be real, who does that? Shouldn't you think more carefully about how you spend your high school time, thinking about yourself and your future instead of some random girl you just got to know? You could say that's just my bias because I know how the game works, but the truth is the game itself tells you which stats will make you be liked by each girl and at what point (more or less, and with more variables) a milestone will be reached. Which leads me to the second point: numbers.

Of course these games have to work with a bunch of numbered variables in order to make it feel engaging and somehow realistic, this is not black and white, but why do they need to be exposed to the player? Wouldn't it be more fun to get to know the girls and what they like with each interaction? Wouldn't it be much more special to start noticing certain things that make you think that you're in the right direction instead of the game telling you? Wouldn't it be beautiful to have the girl you like suddenly confess to you, knowing that all you've done in the game is be yourself and do what you thought was right?

The game's depiction of relationships as maths, as trophies, is something I absolutely hate, and as much as I want to love this game for its atmosphere, the light-hearted dialogues, the cute character design, its beautiful music and the overall charm it has, I just can't stand it.

A poorly constructed world in which you follow hints (that are actually more like orders) and do random stuff for other random stuff to happen. A meaningless game about meaning.

It's great and all but I wish the objects you pick up had actual impact on the physics for more than 5 seconds.

Sorry but I can't be bothered to play 20 to 25 hours of one of the most soulless game I've ever played just because I read the source material as a kid.

If you have any kind of interest in Sand Land's plot (which is pretty simple) and its world or if you're just interested in Toriyama's legacy, just go read the manga.

Although mechanically interesting, changing the usual control scheme of rhythm games to one that plays with the triggers and the joysticks, it falls flat pretty fast due to its simplicity. There's also one big issue with the joystick part of it, specifically when moving them from A to B on holding notes, since the duration of those is not known before the note actually arrives and it seems kind of arbitrary.

I could still play it for the songs if they weren't all terrible. All of them.

Physics are eh, there's no collisions, everything feels a bit flat... Also curious how Basketball actually works better than football in Sideswipe since having goals don't really make sense in 2D.

Superpowers are the latest AAA videogames’ excuse to make gamers even lazier. Now you don’t have to actively look for stuff you need, aim or even press a button to open doors; your inner self does it for you. Sad.

Way too long for its own good. A very japanese thing to do and a big mistake. Abandoned after 20+ hours.

Boku no Natsuyasumi all over again, but bigger. Too samey and really disappointing.

A game full of ideas, yes, but others' ideas. Plain, unimaginative and unfocused, but at least tries something.