I like tricky stories and i was served. I loved the characters so much. I didn't want it to end. And the idea to have a timeline to follow the events to not get lost in the story is such a good idea.

Stylish is the word. Story is better than 4, characters are good, soundtrack is a banger but i still prefer 3 overall. For once, i found it a bit too long but if you want to try one and not being depressed after, that's the game.

I will never live in the swamp and am officially scared of women named Marguerite for life. I survived my fear of Jack but his wife....

My first Yakuza but what an introduction! It's the first game that make me follow the sidequests more than the actual story (really good). I felt bad for Makoto but she had to wait for me a long time hungry while I was managing the club with Yuki. I laughed a lot at the sidequests stories. So many minigames to do and Kiryu/Majima characters are great that you don't care the time spend doing the side stuff.
It's like watching a tv show with lots of characters involved and being excited for the next episode.
Tachibana forever!

I played it after 0 which was a bad idea. The actual story is really good but this time, i found the sidequests and minigames repetitive. Also, the idea of Majima everywhere was a terrible idea imo. It made me hate the character in this game while i loved him in 0. Crazy dog okay but really tiring in this game. But for the Yakuza general universe, it's a must-do.

The characters are the huge strength of this game. Story is not that great but it's colorful and there is Chie. It's fun to play.

My first souls game and i loved it. I didn't like the story here but the game is just so good: the level design and the boss fights are just too greatly design to not have a good time playing. I don' t think the game is that hard, two areas gave me difficulties (Anor Londo and Blight f.... town) but they are so many ways of playing that it will depend on your character's build.

Amazing remake! The game who made me want to play the other ones.

One of my favorite of the franchise. I just don't understand why Rebecca is just in Resident Evil 1 and disappears afterwards. Rebecca/Bill duo works a lot.

Even today, this remake is beautiful and scary. It's full of surprise and the atmosphere is over the top. My favorite game of the franchise.

I didn't play the original so i was not disappointed. But it's way too short and a whole part of 2 is used again. Definitely not one of my favorite but still ok.

I loved Code Veronica so much. It's totally a B movie but they don't try to be serious at all in this game. It's the creepiest game of the franchise to me.

Leon !!!!! I loved everything: graphics are still good today, characters are good (yeah even Ashley who is a spoiled teenager and played her part perfectly :D). I had lots of fun.
My second favorite after RE1.

Just for Chris punching a giant rock and Jill being such a badass. Otherwise, i really didn't like it at all. After 4, the disappointment was huge.

My first Zelda and tbh, i was happy to finish it. I loved the big dungeons but the 120 small temples to find and the sidequests annoyed me. I don't even want to talk about the koroks... 900!! were they crazy, or drunk?!
I liked the universe but if you never played a Zelda game before like me, i suggest to try an older one (like my friend has suggested me to do).