after i beat my arkham replay i was like "damn, i wish there was more arkham" and then i was like wait a second, there is more arkham! this was definitely more arkham

this game is the shit, great story great swords wooo look at me big sword WOo

i watched faze jev played the whole thing when i was 13 its basically the same as playing it

it is fucking terrible in the best way possible

favorite souls game, rating may go up with time

made me realize i was really dumb and cant do puzzles

all my friends had smash except for me for a while, and i could get this one bc it was on the eshop, and i squeezed so many hours out of the bitch, ive got such a soft spot

i had 30 hours on this and had to physically cut myself off because i knew i would not be able to do my job if i kept playing

mods are very fun, ignore the dildo bat

this is the weirdest most open source game ever fucking made dude

not mid, but worst original mw game