
A list of baka/stupid/silly games, or games that contain a lot of silly elements.
I referred to this page a great deal when compiling the list.

Incidentally, baka/stupid games do not necessarily mean kuso/shit games.
This is my gut feeling, but people who like this type of game should like Jackass and Top Gear.

This game will certainly not be remade or re-released due to the many copyright and other issues.
Japanese and PS2 version only. The localisation department is out of control. There can't be any aliens speaking in Kansai dialect. The souls of those who like this Japanese version and Silent Hill's UFO ending should be similar.
sengoku basara
I don't like the Takeda/武田家 that much, but this game has made me like them a bit more.
Games I first associated with this list.
Below, in A-Z order.
The Japanese title is "勇者のくせに生意気だ!/You're a brave man, but you're cheeky!" RTS-like puzzle-like game? A lot of JRPG parodies.

The ending of the 3 is very well done and I recommend watching it once if you don't mind spoilers. I wept.
(Ar)beit hell 2000

1 Comment

1 year ago

I hate jackass and love stupid and silly games. lol

(and as a BR, of course I love Top Gear, every BR loves Top Gear)

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