92 reviews liked by Laxy

“Could’ve been so much better” so what? I don’t really give a shit, it’s 3 amazing games compiled into one game with added in-game soundtracks which means you can now experience these three on your newer console. The only bothersome thing is how limited it was, other than that it’s just a collection so it’s great by default.


4 stars for actual game but im gonna have to give it half a star because my playthrough was ruined by fromsoftware elitist fans who have been ableist and stupid as shit to disabled people asking for an easy mode or using summons.

I genuinely will never interact with anyone who says "youre bad if you use summons" i do not give a shit, yes its easier and you can say the boss is boring now, but i dont give a shit. I cant play games like elden ring without help because im fucking disabled in my prominent hand so having to make my fingers work and do everything needed to beat a boss drains me mentally. Oh and thats not even it because there will always be that one mentally unwell basement dweller who says "git gud"

Penny's Big Breakaway is made by the same devs that made SONIC MANIA, which as you all know is a fantastic 4th classic Sonic installment that celebrates the Blue Blur's classic era.

Penny's Big Breakaway brings back Te Lopez's amazing music direction allowing him to go all out here, the new tracks he made are such a treat to enjoy.

The game focuses on Penny esentially messing up perfomance causing the King's undies to be shown to the people, and essentially is targeted by the King's penguins to hunt her down and jail her for embarassing him.

Penny uses her magic sentient yoyo to escape and go to different lands with varying levels, all focusing on platforming and skill moves.
If you go into this expecting the game to be fast paced like say Sonic, you're in for a rude awakening, the game is somewhat fast but there are parts where you're going standard pace, and mostly focusing on the traversal with the Yoyo. Your speed, Movement, combat is all based on how you use your skill moves with your yoyo.

The levels consist as follows, get from POINT A TO POINT B, with 3 different side object from npcs telling you to destroy certain objects, give an item to another npc in a certain amount of time, or maintain a combo for max amount of points. Another thing is collecting these 3 Tokens spread throughout the levels that allow you to unlock bonus challenge levels of varying difficulty. So pretty much 3 Submissions, and 3 Tokens among all levels except Boss Levels.

The game's artstyle and music are all spectacular, this game really does put a smile on your face if you play it right, it is tricky to handle at first but over time you'll get the hang of it and you'll master it soon enough.
The game worlds have a weird mix of levels, with some containing up to 6 levels, and others containing barely 2 or 3 which is odd to say the least, feel like on that portion there should've been consistency with how many levels each world should have.
The boss fights are all really easy however very fun to play through, except maybe the final part during a certain portion where the game introduces a gameplay style only used in the final boss, which can cause you to die because of how the perspective is weirdly positioned.

Still the character design, music, environment, gameplay, and passion this game has really is a treat to enjoy, it might not be for everyone if you're going in expecting a Sonic clone, please don't.

Still if I had to critique 1 thing, i would say, I want the game to be a tad bit fast, even while using the yoyo rush with his barreling fast, for the most part the game does move very slow. If Penny's Speed was a bit fast I think the game would be perfect. Also the lack of consistency with how many levels are featured per world is weird, I don't understand why some have more levels than others, did they run out of development time or ideas for some worlds? Another thing like I said is the bosses were a bit too easy, while I understand that this for EVERYONE, I'm not asking for a Dark Souls level boss, just a bit more difficulty with boss fights would go a long way, especially with the final boss. The final boss feels grandiose visually but fight wise is a bit lacking, the only parts that will actually cause you damage is the perspective shift I mention, but again if you know your way around it, it'll probably still be a bit underwhelming gameplay wise.

That's why I have to give this game a 4 out 5. I still think the game is great, just those things I mention play a part in my score.

I recommend Penny's Big Breakway regardless, it's a treat to experience and I highly recommend it! :D

Dialogue ❌
Intuitive ✅
Eerie ✅
Free loaf of wonder bread ✅

A really well designed, beautifully presented and unique-feeling game, which is all I could ask for.

There's a lot of customization you can do with the units which can feel overwhelming but seeing your hard work pay off is extremely satisfying.

The story is a fairly typical SRPG fantasy tale, but the presentation makes it feel really good to witness. The fully 2D world is a pleasure to look at, the Japanese voice acting resonates deeply, and the soundtrack is spectacular and moving.

The only thing holding me back from giving this game a higher rating is due to this being in early access, so some features are obviously missing. But with that being said though, this is a fantastic follow up to Hades and the framework is definitely there.

As per usual, Supergiant has crushed both the character and world design. The soundtrack is stellar and even more incorporated into the game with the second boss and the combat is as buttery smooth as ever. Having not only one but two paths was also a welcome surprise and I absolutely love the environments they incorporated.

I am curious to see how the story will play out though because as is, It feels like it’s about 75% of the way there but sort of ends abruptly once clearing for the first time. So besides that and a few balancing issues, I know we’re in good hands. Overall, I’m excited to see how this game fully evolves as we get closer to a final build!

pretty fucking awesome. i have no major complaints, I don't think it's as major a step up from tekken 7 as I was hoping (which, to be fair, is a really unfair bar) but I also kinda feel like an asshole saying that when I like almost everything a little bit more here LOL

insanely worth your time and tekken 7 and 8 will go down as major peaks of traditional fighting games for me.

So far Game of the year 2024 for me!
I liked Remake but Rebirth did almost all things better. There is so much to do and the story is just amazing. Play it!

Tim Rogers once described FF7 Remake as "More FF7 than FF7." Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues that trend. FF7 Rebirth is egregious. It feels like it should be illegal to make a game like this, and yet Square-Enix keeps getting away with it. This video game is - simultaneously - both too much and not enough. It's the annoying middle stepchild in a family of games you haven't quite yet played - but really, let's be real, you've already played. Even if you haven't played the original Final Fantasy VII (PSX), you've played this sort of sprawling open world timesink game before, and you will again.

The thing that makes Rebirth remarkable amongst a field of AAA bullshit is its commitment to the bit. Not even in Yakuza have I seen such a dedication to bespoke, high-fidelity side-content. Even when there's a minigame that is utter dogshit nonsense (which is FREQUENTLY), I am struck by the sheer dedication the devs displayed in handcrafting a uniquely bad experience. No, I'm not mad. I'm actually having a great time. You can't stop me from playing Superman 64 (Chocobo Edition). I relish the opportunity. We simply have not seen this level of dedication to crap minigames since the PS2 era, and by god I'm going to savor that now that it's got millions of dollars in budget behind it.

Rebirth walks the tightrope between big swingy and conservative due to its unwavering commitment to fanservice that is its double-edged sword. I could complain about the story divergences and ending here, which are the narrative equivalent of kicking the can down the road. Why bother? Really it just speaks to the insecurities of the creative team, insecurities that are completely absent everywhere else in the game where they are just going nuts with stupid bullshit. Not to mention of course, a best in class ARPG battle system that somehow keeps getting better. The polarity of gamefeels of Rebirth is a testament to jank. Regardless of hangups: IT IS FUN TO PLAY

In summary: Rebirth is a luxurious experience despite and because of itself. The major issue of the modern era is Art being subsumed into Content; FF7 Rebirth manages to take Content to an Art form. God bless Tetsuya Nomura.

A pretty flawed game in terms of how it handles quests and story but an incredibly ambitious one. I can't think of anything else that would make you wait 30+ hours to unlock one of the main selling features, but there's something about working your way up as a blade on that harsh planet that makes the moment you finally get a skell license and eventually take flight so special and satisfying... It completely changes the world you've come to know so far. Soaring around an exceptionally designed open world fighting monsters in the sky with Hiroyuki Sawano music blasting is something you won't find anywhere else.

So many things about XCX make it feel like a true evolution of XC1, in gameplay and art design, complex mechanics, intricate area layouts, so much customization and freedom, that were all just thrown out of the window for the next entries. The whole thing feels genuinely impossible to pull off on this toaster of a console, its scale and visual fidelity impressed me more than anything on Switch ever has. In the best way it doesn't feel like a Nintendo game at all.

I really enjoyed spending most of last month chilling exploring this alien planet. It's just been sitting on my shelf for years unplayed after I failed to get into it before, and it ended up being my most enjoyable Xenoblade experience since the original. 1 and X truly feel like they're in a different series from 2 and 3 to me. Had I played this back in 2015 I don't think I would have been nearly as impressed by BOTW, or any open world for that matter. I would recommend checking it out now because any future port is going to be missing some stuff, it's very tailored for the Wii U unfortunately.

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