When I was a kid this was the default game I had on my phone. A simple mindless runner. However, for reasons I can't exactly explain, the music puts me into a fucking trance whenever I hear it. It just DOES something to my brain that turns me into a literal zombie.

This game is gorgeous and relaxing, I love flying around in it and exploring the areas, however the content is so bare it hurts.

They're gonna hate me for this one, but it's my second favourite Persona game. It's Persona 5 but perfected.

I feel that Persona 5 Strikers best benefit is being a sequel. We don't have to establish any core ideas because Persona 5 already happened. The game dedicates screen time to characters that didn't get enough, like holy shit Haru gets a whole arc that isn't robbed by Morgana??? All of the characters are incredibly fun to use in combat, except for Joker (at least I thought so). The story feels a bit derivative, but I don't mind that. The experience is very simple and fun, its your friends whom you're already acquainted with going on a silly little road trip. I feel like this setting, as well as the action combat is just much more fitting for Persona 5.

oh also Sophia is one of the cutest fucking characters I've ever seen I love and adore her so much please please please Atlus find a way to use her again

An utter classic. I love the sense of humour this game has, even if some people mind find it a little dated towards the kind of humour that was popular when it dropped.

Regardless, as a teenager I always enjoyed blasting through the game with a new character in a day. The game's main story is short but sweet, it's a very simple "save the princess" affair but it has some of the most addictive combat with banger tunes and very appealing art. It is totally newgrounds but all the best parts of it.

And shoutouts to the Necromancer, one of the best boss fights of all time.

I love this game to bits. It was everything I had ever wanted from an MMO experience. It's progression is fun and steady, its world is charming and engaging, Nadareh can spit on me, the character customization is impeccable, overall its just a grand ol time.

its a shame i dont have any friends to play it with

yeah its a cool game but potemkin isn't good in it

I'm gonna be as nice as I can be.

This game is probably the most stripped down and archaic form that Borderlands will ever be. It's actually unironically astonishing that this game got sequels. I've played Borderlands ages ago on the Xbox 360, and I don't remember it being this irritating, but upon a recent playthrough with my partner, I felt like an asshole saying "yeah I love borderlands, this series is so awesome it's so whacky and fun"

No. This game is very much not whacky and fun. The game doesn't really feel very "borderlands". The side quests are boring and repetitive. The gunplay is very weak and I felt like I was using the same guns for a really long time, without much deviation or upgrades because nothing really compared. That Borderlands feeling of having to think outside the box and not really think of your guns as you would traditionally expect them to work just doesn't happen in Borderlands 1. The enemies are REALLY annoying at times, it felt like late game was obsessed with just giving enemies explosives for no good reason or placing turrets which weren't fun to kill. I also feel like the game's weapons were just.. not good to begin with? Weapon sway with rifles feels way too brutal. Revolvers feel clunky. Shotguns have no oomf. Assault rifles are sluggish. I know weapon proficiency is supposedly supposed to help, but I used rifles the whole way through and they still felt terrible to aim with (especially with enemies that instantly lock onto you the moment you are within their line of sight. Stealth? nah. never heard of it.)

The special abilities on the characters also sucked. I recall Mordecai's being fine, and I don't know what the Siren is like. Roland's sentry sucked ass and did nothing for me. Brick's goober mode felt like a really easy way to cheese through bosses as my partner just went gorilla mode while I kept him healed up with Roland's healing bullets.

Oh, right, and bosses. You remember Baron Flynt? Nine-Toes? What about Jaynis and Taylor Kobb? No? You don't? Me neither. The game has so little flavour to it, with really bland characters, bland environments, bland dialogue. There are moments where the game reaches that Borderlands feel, but I felt overall that this game was dry, uninteresting, irritating, and a far cry from the follow up.

I fucking adore this game's everything. I wasn't a vocaloid kid, but this game still hit me with a ruthless level of nostalgia. I also think this is the Project Diva series at its finest, both visually and gameplay wise. The track list is top to bottom bangers, I don't think there's any song that I'm NOT a fan of. This game is responsible for my love of rhythm games, showing me how fun they can be and unfortunately no game has been able to surpass it since I played it a couple years back. If you can get your hands on it, and enjoy weebery and rhythm games, this is an absolute must play.

This game is pretty neat on paper, but on screen it kinda fuckin sucks. The choice to give Pac-Man physics and momentum but barely implement that was quite the choice, as well as the need to collect every single pellet in every single level, making certain levels feel obnoxiously long due to having to hunt down every single pellete even if they're in obnoxious out of the way places. Overall just very interesting choices; mid game.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEAAAAH this game is neat as hell. The like, levels mode is super fun. It's not a very crazy game but its a swell time with fun, very Pac-Man-esque puzzle mechanics.

Let's get this out of the way first: Pac-Man 2 is one of the weirdest games in the Pac-Man franchise. This was an absurdly weird direction to take this property. The game is unconventional to the series, and in isolation, in so many ways. The way you move Pac-Man, pointing him in whichever direction you want him to go and interacting with the world to affect how he behaves, is both really unique and stupid slow and clunky. The decision to also not mention the Look feature in the tutorial or anywhere at all as far as I'm aware, was certainly a choice. The game's story and setting is also bizarre and unorthodox, just trying to act like Pac-Man having a family is a normal thing we can just accept.

All this aside, I fucking ADORE this game. Literally the only thing holding it back for me is the fact that the game is in fact pretty slow and bullshit confusing at times. But man, the entire vibe is just so silly and goofy and charming that its difficult to say i even think its a bad game. It's not very good, but please play it.

Adding a jump button to Pac-Man just does SO much, you have to play it to get it.

This is going to be the halo game I take away the least from. Even though I disliked playing Halo 1 more, it left a very sincere impression of a fun world and promising ideas. This game, however, kind of felt a bit blank. The open nature of the game, on top of the fact that no characters from the main halo storyline appear until the very, very end, kind of means I have nothing to latch onto or invest myself with. The game plays fine, by Halo 3 they got the gameplay on lockdown, but there really was nothing for me. I didn't feel much for atmosphere, I didn't really feel a sense of journey, it was just a very solid, but bland, Halo experience.

I have very negative views of this game, so I should make it clear to whatever unfortunate soul got sent this page via discord as I cram my psuedo-intellectual opinions down your throat, I do not like Risk of Rain 2 and never want to touch it ever again. Entirely via bad association.

However, Risk of Rain 2 is fucking phenomenal. It's art direction, chaos, incredible and diverse roster, world design, enemy design, don't get me started on the music. It is an astronomically amazing game in a very objective sense. However, I hate it because I just can't disconnect it from my own very personal experiences.

Incredible art. Incredible dialogue. incredible tie between its gameplay and visual novel elements. It's spectacular, but I personally cannot get over the subject material. This is totally me being a massive bitch and that's ok, but for anyone wanting to know how I feel about and why I'll probably never play VA-11 Hall-a again,
