Its uh... fine? I guess? Its strange but its not too shabby. It feels lot like Pac & Pal in that its a weird whack-o deviation of Pac-Man, but I tolerate this one a little more.

Major spot in my heart. I haven't managed to beat it despite my multiple attempts (not like a difficulty thing but like, life stuff gets in the way and then I get uninspired- you know how it is), but each time has been a joy. This game is a quirky time and a charming RPG, even if it's not the most mechanically in depth one. Nostalgia honestly serves the most of my score on this one.

I played the Mega Man games in order, and I think 3 and 4 are just so tart. This was very refreshing to play however, as the 3 and 4 experience led me to believe that maybe 2 was the only good of the classic mega mans. I can't really tell you what this one did differently, I just liked it a lot more.

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Persona 4 is a very default persona game. It's got characters, it's got personas, it has a pretty boiled down version of the combat. It has all of the traits you'd expect. Out of the 3-4-5 games, It's my personal least favourite, but honestly whichever one is your favourite is almost always up to preference and to try and say there is an objective best is pretty foolish in my opinion.

The combat often feels a bit too simple and Reflect Phys goes a bit too hard. Golden in particular can be piss easy. Golden Shadows + this game's iteration of shuffle time can break the game. All this said though, it's Persona. 1 Mores are very nice, even if they aren't anywhere near to the same level of strategy that SMT's Press Turns offer. The wild card ability and personas themselves are just very very fun, no matter the context.

I like the characters a decent bit, but there aren't any I'm super super in love with aside from Kanji and Naoto (and also Yu but that's only from the anime adaptation.) The story is where its at, and the story here is fine but I will say: the actual mystery of the game is awful, as the investigation team is quirky but stupid.
Almost everyone can tell that Adachi is the killer, and the investigation team has such a hard time figuring that out. That's not even the worst part of the investigation aspects though, as throughout the game you have to go around and "search for clues" before each of the dungeons and they'll all tell you shit you already know. The Namatame scene expects you to get every single response right in Yosuke's little thing, a 7 question multiple choice quiz that can straight up end your game. Oh, and if you want the true ending you have to just decide to not go home after everyone says "welp, game over! we had a good time and everyone is happy!".

And I'm not going to argue about Marie but I'll say as much that I do not like her in the slightest. If you do, cool, I'm happy you have a character you can gravitate to, but I simply cannot stand the woman.

The characters are charming and the social links especially are swell, and the story isn't offensive by any stretch but it's a grand ol time overall. It's not perfect, but I can't bring myself to hate the game.

Oh, also god DAMN that ost goes HARD

Ultrakill is a fine video game. I'm not going to go into further detail because the fanbase for this game is rabid and I do not wish to get locked into an argument with people who go apeshit with people who do not share the same amount of aggressive love for this game. My thoughts are: the game is good. It is not perfect, but it is good.

The fighting game of all time

Like I really can't stress this if you just want a fighting game, *a* fighting game, I can totally recommend this one.

Picture this: your family is a strong one, and you love and cherish each and every one of them. They all have flaws here and there and you don't really think you understand the younger ones but, then there's Grandpa RBY. He's the patriarch of the family and you have to respect him, of course, but he's not as sharp as he seemed back in the day. He's very archaic, still hasn't figured out how to use a computer, or a blender, He kinda just sits around and does things no one does anymore: for good reason. But, when you go to Grandpa's house for thanksgiving, despite all of this, he will show you the most uniquely fucked things that only he could show you. He is absolutely lovely, even if you have to recognize the fact that he's just not all there in the head and is probably racist.

Pokemon Red and Blue.


This game is so fucking silly and puzzly and its whacky wahoo ! I love Zooping with my friends and family ! Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop

I love silly little puzzle games so much and this is one of the ones I like a lot its just so silly and fun who let it do that

If you don't have the guitar controller, don't even bother. You need to experience that thing firsthand to understand how cool this was. My first ever rhythm game, a genre I grew to love immensely. It also introduced me to some hella cool rock and metal, particularly Metallica and Dragonforce^

^Dragonforce isn't that cool but i like it ok :(

The art is very good and the combat is pretty chill. I didn't get far enough, I think, but as someone who got like 5 hours in I can say with at least that much you should definitely play it just to see what people are talking about. I'll edit this when I get farther in.

This game felt like it was missing a little something, particularly a character to truly grip me. The story wasn't exactly greatly written, but it was fun enough that I can ignore that. I like the characters, but there wasn't one I loved.

The combat is super fun though, even as someone who is objectively the worst video gamer ever sharted out of a womb and found this game to be a bit too difficult for my little baby chimp brain, I still loved controlling Bayo.

man this sucked, original looks so much better.

If you wanna play the Kanto games just as Pokemon games, this is it. FRLG is peak Kanto imo, it's very simple and to the point but it still captures the charm. I think the music here is some of the best from gen 1-3. The game progresses very cleanly and still has a great roster, the original 151 are still as iconic as ever. These definitely aren't a bad place to start if you wanna get into Pokemon, and are good for revisiting for the fun of it.

This game is one of the roguelikes that doesn't eat me up inside. It's got a charming art style and the guns/means of growth are entertaining. It's not a minblowing experience but it's chill.

Bird guy goes hard btw