I consider this to be my least favourite game. Not because it is the worst game ever made, not because it offended me. But simply because it was kind of the death of my innocence. That's not the game's fault. But at some point, you do realize that you'll grow out of things. You will eventually realize that one day your Pokemon isn't quite as nice as it used to look. I always knew Pokemon had problems, but this one in particular puts all of those problems at full blast. Handholding, wishy washy designs, a shitty story that is not good but also detracts, lacking in content, characters that don't compel, and making it far too easy to make the game easy.

The game has a lot of good quality of life elements and some of the character and pokemon designs I do like. But that didn't really change that I felt like my Pokemon journey ended on the day this dropped. Maybe Scarlet and Violet is a banger game I need to try. Or, maybe I just need to move on and let Pokemon be what it wants to be and I can just grow up.

Basically, what I'm saying is play a REAL Shin Megami Tensei game.

its shrek super slam on the gameboy advance

what else do i have to say

I mean, I don't hate it? I'll just never want to play it again. It offers nothing to me. I don't like the co op, I feel like the aesthetics don't really do much to actually stand out unlike literally every other interpretation of Kanto. Oh, and also, for FUCKS sake we didn't need to see Kanto again.

"It's Deal or No Deal on the gameboy advance, did you not get what you expected????" - Flair

It has all the aesthetic fun of a 2000s liscensed Simpsons wrestling themed video game but the controls are ass cheeks and let's not even get started on the horrifically balanced meta

It's shovelware

really FUNNY shovelware but not worth the money i spent on it

This review contains spoilers

This game was the biggest let down I had ever experienced with a game. People hyped this up so much for me, saying that I specifically would love it. It's a movement shooter with a mech and the themes of the game are about the connection between a pilot and their titan- that's my shit.

However, playing the game I could see that it is a game you would adore if you've never played a story driven FPS before. The story simply does not have enough time to convince you that Cooper and BT are actually emotionally connected. It's a big "telling not showing" affair. The game claims that a pilot and Titan need to have a strong connection, but the guy that gives Cooper BT in the beginning just kinda passes him on and it just works out of the box with no struggles. BT feels way too expendable, too much like a robot. And the final line of the game "They're setting me up with a new titan. I kinda liked the old one though." is the most insulting line cause it kinda cements their connection as work partners and nothing else.

And the movement feels stiffer than most updated movement shooters. Anything New Blood has dropped, Overwatch, modern Doom, Bullets Per Minute, all of which came after Titanfall 2 and have perfected what it introduced, making it feel cleaner, faster, and tighter. The game was just so disappointing.

Might try this again, but it's one of those games that are big brain sandbox type stuff that I just can't get into. Tried playing with my ex, he didn't explain a thing and I felt lost. I think the oxygen tethering is super super annoying but if you like big brain sandbox games then honestly this'll probably be up your alley.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

Fun party game for half an hour lacks content thats it bye

I was never really into Gen 2. Johto isn't a very interesting region to me, it has a decent roster and some moments and characters I like but it often times feels like Gen 1 pokemon but with some more content and all of the glitches and wonky balancing taken out... but at that point it's just Gen 1 but boring as hell.

oh also Soul Silver exists I guess


It's not for me. The character editor is silly and yes I made a penis but everything else bored me very quickly

The game seems very rad, but I felt I was missing something about it. Also, bugs. I'll get a mod that makes the bugs less fucked up or something, THEN I'll revisit it.

I've very much come around on this game since I last looked at it. It's an insanely good adventure game, with the ability to go in with pretty much any build or weapon you want, allowing you to minmax and set up your character to approach the game however you want. However, I find that the exploration and building elements leave much to be desired, holding me back from truly becoming attached to my world. It's the opposite side of the square-based pixel graphic sandbox games, excelling in adventure where Minecraft fails, though doing poorly in exploration and building where Minecraft succeeds.


Feels very cheap and unfinished, fun to fuck around with a friend for like 15 minutes but got old quick