I softlocked my fucking playthrough because the spy bitch poisoned my food will replay it later

Purely random, but the fact how abusable it is makes up for it, making the gameplay loop engaging in it's own strange way. It's a dumb game, but it's also a fun dumb game.
Also, you get to cuck Bird again, so what's not to love about it?

Alicesoft finally learned how to draw. This one sets up the Magic Sect with some important lore, you also get to have unconscientious sex with a lot of girls again. It's fun, play it

Completely broken and underbaked, but pretty playable and charming. If you speak Japanese or it's already translated when you read this, play Rance 03 instead.

Very simplistic, but not frustrating gameplay and fun story were enough to keep me entertained. Play the Kai version with fan-patch.

Imagine Osu!, but actually good.

Since I played it for the first time ever in 2022, when I'm already 20 y/o, I failed to really see this game as anything more than a history piece. It definitely has an appeal and is definitely a game which used to be someone's childhood, but from an outsider's perspective, I can't call it anything more than just OK. And as I noticed from the other reviews, people only ever rate it highly because they grew up with it and not because it has some phenomenal design in it. I don't regret my time with it because I at least finally learned what is this Pokemon thing about and why it stays popular even today.

An expansion, which also serves as a sequel to the original's events, taking place right before the true ending which also adds a lot of context to its events, while further exploring the nature of a learning AI which tries to understand human culture, history, and art.
Gameplay-wise, the puzzles can be brutally hard and fully expect you to be a master of the game's mechanics. Thankfully, the original's most undercooked elemt (record/play) is not used a lot, so your frustration will never be with the game's design, but with the smoothness of your own brain.
A near perfect expansion to a near perfect game.

Deeply philosophical but also non-pretentious puzzle game with a good story and great themes. While I didn't think that getting 100% stars was forth it for the ending it grants and some puzzle elements could've used more polish, considering the fact that it's a game made in Croatian basement from Serious Sam assets I won't lower the score just because of that. Please play it.

The gameplay is repetative and boring, the story is pretentious with an outright evil, egoistical message. The alright soundtrack and visuals don't warrant another half star. Ending E felt like a final insult and I deeply regret spending my time on this mess of a game.

The best thing Yoko Taro managed to release, don't bother with his other shit games.


Having 0 nostalgia connection to this game really made it easy for me to see the huge amount of wasted potantial and basic boring gameplay loop this game has. And not to mention non-functional stealth and the plain ridiculous way this game handles checkpoints (you died? lmao watch this 4 minute cutscene again lol). Combined with the single most boring way you can write a story about government conspiracy and the fact that it ends on a cliffhanger with no existing sequel, this game is simply not worth a playthrough. If you want a good linear FPS game, just play Half-Life. If you want a good conspiracy plot with stealth gameply, just play Deus Ex.

I can already see that this game is better than MGS3 ever hoped to be.