Not much of a 2D shooter kinda guy but I'm a big fan of old cartoons. This game is probably the king of time and effort. No detail is put to waste no bit of animation looks horrid. This is truly a return to those old cartoons you may have watched as a kid. Music? Amazing listen to floral fury, Bosses!? Amazing! I think only the last one was a bit like 'There's so many better bosses cmon.' But still great game and yet again not a big 2d shooter guy but this had me hooked.

Everyone. Is. Here! Smash ultimate felt like a dream to witness as it was coming out. Literally no game could unite a fanbase more than this game. Every reveal had someone either on the edge of their seat or some keyboard warrior bashing his screen in. I remember watching my favourite streamer at the time when 'Everyone is here!' was announced. I'd never been more hyped to see my man Solid Snake. Then they kept adding highly requested characters both before and after the game released. It was beautiful I'd give anything to relive that experience. The game is as peak as Smash gets in my opinion. You can say Melee is better....nah can't play as K rool in that...

Anyway this game has the widest selection of video game music I've ever seen so that merits a banger game in its own right. If you have a switch get this.

It's a really nice Miles Morales demo, I liked the stakes in this game and the emotional impact this villain has on Miles and also how Miles can't keep a secret identity. It's a struggle to find out who doesn't know his identity. The music is good like his main theme just don't like the music Miles makes. Terrible. Anyway it's a nice demo as to what we'll see of Miles in Spider-Man 2 but not worth the £50 it was charged as.

Yeah, I get the hype behind this game, Seph is amazing as a villain and used very sparingly to the point that the first couple hours of the game all you see is his sword instead of horrific nostalgia bait flashbacks splattered throughout a 'remake'. The characters in this are also memorable af besides like Yuffie and Vincent who I forgot about like twice. Cait sith was at least like a spy so I remembered them Yuffie just nicked all my stuff and Vincent comes out of literal nowhere. I say that but it might be because Barret is too peak of a character to let go.

I know it's an ancient game by today's standards but this game is a need for any potential RPG fan.

The music is amazing. Listen to one winged angel.

Yeah, this game is a mixed bag for everyone. I personally really liked it just didn't like it's really really really questionable pacing. I don't know why midway through we change into the antagonist of the story and witness her journey. Would've been better either at the start of the game doing Abbeys story or like in sequence with Ellie not just completely baiting us midway through!? The big death I wasn't as fussed because I hadn't idolized the man like everyone else had...

Music is really atmospheric, play it just to garner your opinion on it rather than taking someone elses opinion.

Probably like on of the best games of all time, Mario Galaxy somehow manages to make the already exciting prospect of space exploration even more fun with an excellent to control Mario combined with stunning galaxies, banging orchestral music, amazing bosses and Luigi.

If you can pick this game up and pray to it.

Played this as a little kid so just pretend little Leo Luster is talking:

'Game is really fun because Sonic is in it!!!!'

Yeah, he's wise

Literally the peak of pixelated games. Listen to the soundtrack and try not to give this a 10/10

Who actually birthed this disaster. Imagine a sonic game but we play the game for you! Here's the nostalgia sonic but he can't move! HAVE A SANIC SHIRT.

The music isn't even good. Sinful.

This game is just really fun to laugh at.

Soundtrack is banging as well, get the tunes on.

Legit just have fun with this game, it's a rare game that I'll go back to just to have fun with its controls and collectibles.

Soundtrack banging.

Very like...Samey? Just the same 3 missions again and again but this time you have 3 minutes to complete them or this time you're Bart. Game was definitely made with love though so many little details.

Possibly the best or one of the best 2D platformers ever released. Music is banging, every level feels alive and unique and part of the island/world you're in. Beautiful as well another Nintendo classic.