The atmosphere of this game...Pwoarh. Stunning locations filled with disturbing and frightening designs with each having some hint toward some area of the lore. The addition of insight as a tool to both power and make the game harder for the player is genius and in line with the games idea of eldritch abominations becoming far too much for the mind to handle as the search for knowledge leads to damnation. The DLC only heightens the experience tenfold by expanding the lore further with great bosses (Ludwig) and new weapons/tool to freshen each playthrough. Peak game

Story's alright, only played this for the online to be honest.

Portal 2 but with just Glados, Just as innovative as any other valve title but hasn't full branched out into the masterpiece that 2 is yet.

One of few games to make me cry, I was in tears over a character who, only hours ago, I had no kind feelings towards. Naked Snake is such as great character and Hayter does an excellent job at differentiating him from his solid counterpart with his more charismatic and cheeky nature as compared to Solid. Ocelot steals the show in every scene and becomes an iconic fan favorite in this game as well as the end being one of the best bosses in gaming if you treat him right! Peak game. 'You're pretty good.'

It's a Ps1 game, I'll cut it some slack but it's still a masterpiece besides on instance of bad backtracking. I enjoyed every minute of this game and it's one of few I've replayed in recent years. Snakes constant questionings of things he should know such as: 'Stealth?' 'metal gear?' 'codec?' are always a joy and totally not horrid subtle exposition. Without this game we wouldn't have mgs3 so like it's needed.

As much as I can agree this game is a little clunky, weird, funky and a totally mind boggling experience. I love it. With dialogue such as 'I live on through this arm!' How can you not love it? Still this game was and will always be revolutionary to the world of gaming with it's still relevant to today message about governmental control of data and themes in general. If you haven't, play this game.

I don't care if there's only 5 minutes of gameplay, I don't care if it's nostalgia bait, I don't care if the cutscenes go on for hours. I love it. The final boss alone is 5/5. Play this, it's the ultimate ending/retcon to the entire series. Also Old snake is brilliant made me love snake even more. Raiden was also good. To quote a reddit post I saw 'I am toast! The bread transformed!'

Don't get me wrong...
I loved this game like, every bit of it, was amazing I just wish I didn't complete it in 5 hours. Wish there was more. In truth I wish, that there were more uses for other pikmin as I'd kinda made a Private army of red pikmin that were like gunning down these poor creatures without mercy meanwhile blue and yellow pikmin were just lounging about getting a free Kip because they're not a force to be reckoned with unless it's in a water droplet or a potential air raid bomb opportunity.

One of the best Switch games ever made, Mario's movement has never been better! It is so much fun in this game just to get from A - Z and every moon/puzzle never feels like a pain to get as this game is just so adorable with its presentation, characters and especially the music. The fact this game houses the steam gardens theme...instant 10/10. I can't stress enough how vital movement is to a video game. It seems Nintendo understands that too hence why Mario Odyssey is the king of Mario movement. Honestly, if you're gonna get a switch. Skip BOTW or TOTK get this as your first game. It sums up what you'll be experiencing from Nintendo games in an instant.

Reminder: Last time I played this was like 8 years ago. This game was like pure concentrated nectar to my little brain. 'You can play as the really cool fire breathing dragon turtle from Mario!?'. Then I played it...
I left wondering why I can't play as Fawful.
Honestly Fawful is a great villain like he's a 10/10 alone. I don't think Nintendo has realized how great he was. He was memorable, cunning, way too inteligent for his own good and funny! He actually like won as well like he had everything sorted, just didn't expect Bowser to be a mental powerhouse did he? Truly a great game, music as well! Banging. All Nintendo reviews need to mention the music.

I think it's okay, cool slice and dice Metal gear spin off. If you wanted me to rate the music: 10/10 all across the board like c'mon just listen to like 'The only thing I know for real' from this game. It's not as heavy as it's predecessors in storytelling or characters besides 2 and that's Sam and Armstrong who I think stand as like unforgettable from this game. Worth a play just for the insanity of this game. I'd say it's a truly mid but kinda exciting game.

Perfect game, easy 10, best souls game easily. The combat? Perfect, you can either play it honorably or just throw stuff at people and see what happens.

The locations? Brilliant like only in this can you go from a stunning cherry blossom infested garden to a house full of zombie squid people and it make perfect thematic sense in the context of the game.

I think everyone should play this at least once in their life. Just for like feeling of initiating a perfect parry combo...pwoarh. Music in this also hits hard for the location real tension setting as well. That snake is terrifying...

big monke


Wasn't all that cute or charming to me I won't lie, just felt unfinished and buggy with a cute cat layered on top. Could've been a nice quick 2 hour experience but instead I'm a cat trying to save the entire robot world? Nah lemme be a chill cat.

Loved the simple story presented here, felt like a true Spider-Man story with a neat twist on some of the characters, felt the MJ missions were a neat moment to slow down and take in the context around us within the story. The orchestral music really helped emphasize some scenes especially the swinging and the emotional third act. If the side content were a tad bit more interesting/polished maybe I'd call it a ten or if the story didn't fumble a tad when Sable came in...

Stardew is both a really relaxing game and a stressful race against time dependent on how savvy you are...

For me it was a bit of both, before I'd learnt to invest my wealth garnered from my potato empire into the genius of the sprinkler system it was a rush to both water all my plants and bob the shop for more soldiers for my empire. Afterwards, I just spent all my time fishing and occasionaly checking if my chickens had died or not. Also you can romance like everyone so it's mint.

Moddable Zoro from one piece who you can romance.

I named my farm 'Syrup' after the worst arc in One Piece.

Please pick this up if you just want a casual farming, fishing, spelunking experience. You won't regret it.
Also the music is very relaxing.