Just like Tropical freeze but with less snow. I think Freeze just had that slight oomph behind it to boost it for me. Music? Banging nuff said.

It's trying to be metal gear but can't quite get it? I get it was meant for a different system but it's just meh. Characters are amazing though so I give it credit for that.

Actually despise how much I liked this game, it's just so adorable like it's hard to hate. The characters are voiced spectaculary well and they're just so loveable. Give this a go if you ever wanna relax and catch a burger.

It's terrible. But like in a 'I wanna play more to see how bad this gets' terrible. It's funny and has the best Sonic voice cast.

Soundtrack is banging. Listen to 'his world'

It exists. Doesn't do much else, I'd say 06 is more memorable.

It's good but kind of preachy with it's over the top depressing atmosphere. Combat feels harder with the babies and not too innovative or different compared to the game that would come afterwards. Soundtrack tho? Best peaches castle theme.

Honestly the game that opens so many doors. Costumes are easy to create. Levels are a joy to create. Friends are easy to make. Everything is customizable. Just feels like something is missing?

Not many games are able to hook you on just atmosphere alone yet here stands Bioshock, Play the first 5 minutes and see if you can put it down. I loved the world of Rapture its so beautiful yet so sadistic and its so strange yet charming to see how its allure warped the people around it. Sadly the ending was extremely lack luster but that still didn't stop me from enjoying the thrilling journey Bioshock took me on. Must play game

If you never played this game, sadly there's little to no point in doing so now, it was a 'you had to be there' type game. Of all the things I could wish for again in my life; I would wish to relive the era in which Little big planet 2 was popular. The community was absolutely amazing and the only video game community in which I could randomly join someone's pod and end up still chatting to them 9 years later! Inadvertently this game has shaped me and my personality therefore creating me as a person and I am none but thankful to media molecule for it. "Out pops a transcendental dream verse. A remarkable place where the real meets the fantastic and this vast expanse of imagination has a name, they call it Little Big Planet"

I played this during lockdown and it like lifted my emotions so much. I think this game might just be the definition of summer if you take away the murder aspect. The music? Bangers all around so I suggest giving it a go as I think this game also has the best villain in the series and one of the best in gaming!

There's like one good level then just a bunch of banging music.

There's a few good levels, banging music everywhere then there's like okay bosses. I like it.

what? Who went "Ah fastest thing alive? Don't bother lets make a worse uncharted and a banger tv show!'

Quick warning: Never played the original

This game is amazing! It's recaptured that feeling I got from playing Persona 5 for the first time all the way through.

What can I say? The voice acting was amazing every character felt real and alive. The music was phenomenal besides mass destruction definitely some bangers going on the playlist. Finally the story was probably my favorite out of 4, 5 which are the only ones I played. The villain wasn't as good as 4 which (to be honest) no game will ever match but the plot and the characters in this are just brilliant. I saw a post that said 'Persona 3 with persona 5s aesthetic would be the perfect game' and yeah I see that now.

I see why this has become the framework for every single 3D-Platformer. The music (what little of it there is) all hits hard and suits each stage well and some stages are so iconic and well designed that they'll be remembered for generations however some have now entered the darkest pits of hell to rot for eternity. Good game