The coolest piece of garbage I've ever had the pleasure of playing

Probably the most empty game I've ever experienced. The parkour is bland and shallow, the story and world are just not developed at all. I genuinely am amazed at how there is 0 substance to be found here. I feel like I've played the first draft of a game thats about to have all the details filled in, but its just not there.

Not only does BRC Bring Jet Set Radio to a new age, it does so with remarkable flair. Solves every little issue the original JSR has yet keeps itself fresh with new ideas. Wish the combo system was way more punishing because it really feels good to play.

Better than its predecessor, but occasionally trips up in level design.

Fun enough, but the lack of a second stick to aim manually really hampers its gameplay, as sometimes you need to be extremely precise, or lucky, to not die

Awkward transition to 3D. had a lot of camera issues as well as general gameplay jank. Like the idea of boss fights but the parry is too strong for them to feel appropriately difficult.

Sonic Mania wishes it went as hard as this.

While the story is still a hot mess, on the gameplay side the combat is strides ahead of both 1 and somehow its remake. I almost feel irritated that I played Kiwami 2 instead.

Outside of that, the biggest thing 2 has going for it imo, is music. It's refined that sometimes awkward funk from its predecessor, and infused it with some edge.

I wouldn't call it fine wine, but it's certainly aged like it.

Gaiden offers a heart wrenching return to the life of Kiryu, and while the intent for the series to pass the torch to a new protagonist, its experiences like these that feel bittersweet when theres so many directions you can take the franchise's legendary dragon. However that return to familiarity, both in protagonist and brawling gameplay, is short lived due to the consequences of development. Gaiden's evolution from an interlude in the upcoming Yakuza 8, to a standalone experience, kneecaps a lot of the deeper themes and meta-text. There is so much the story wants to say, and its consistency in how strong its writing is executed, feels undercut when 4 chapters in you find out its ready to end. I can only hope that 8 will deliver.

The conversion to a standalone game was also something done in an extremely short time, with only 6 months of development. While it's story manages to be top quality, the gameplay awkwardly drags it down a touch. Which is an unfortunate constant, Dragon Engine is never kind to kiryu, and all 3 of his games have had combat that ends up feeling sloppy, and undercooked. While Gaiden has taken improvements from the Judgment series, it's brisk time in the oven becomes very clear, as with tweaks the fighting could be stellar, in its current form I feel it's lacked playtesting.

stop putting ice in the fucking dungeons you maniacs

Most overrated game of all time. A decently fun souls game planted in a world that's too big, with the only solution to make it not feel empty is to copy paste the same boss fights and landmarks over and over. Enemy design also suffers a little, feeling like fromsoft are trying to one-up their previous entries, and a lot of enemies end up relying on the "aura attack" where they just fart out a hitbox without much sensible telegraphing. I enjoyed the weapon customisation and character building, the ashes of war are fun to collect and use.

Even though I know this is where the series is going, I'd much prefer a return to form with a classic soulslike, with small intricately crafted environments, where exploration was rewarded, rather than just going to a big glowing tree to get estus upgrades.

Ryusho being the biggest gigachad is not enough to save this slog of a game.

coming from Kurohyou 1. the so called sequel makes the combat worse, provides a worse story, and pads it to hell. It is a shame that it feels like its predecessors success was a fluke, and theres definitely potential here for something better. I really liked some stuff in chapter 8.. but other than that it felt like a shallow attempt to continue a completed story.