"The codex astartes forbids this"


fuck leandros

The closest i'll ever be to play warhammer 40k on tabeltop (i refuse to spend that much money in plastic)

Has nothing to do with the actual story of blazblue and why would you want to?

Aliens Dark Des-cent deez nuts lmaooo

Mutant gf = good heresy

Aeldari gf = good hersy

Drukhari bf = kinda good heresy

Selling your soul to chaos = bad heresy

Remember kids, it's only heresy if you can't kiss it

I love So Mi so much i wish the CIA were real t.t

FTL but i managed to beat it

Excellent anime character creator

VtM Bloodlines fans be like:

This is the most broken utterly unplayable game i ever installed, i literally cannot play it without a fan patch...

When is the second one coming out?

Owning a bar will never be this cool, but one can imagine

Youtube videogame reviewer voice It actually makes you feel like a noir detective

"Vamp" isn't for vampire it's because he's bisexual

That takes care of the cremation

If it wasn't for Prey, this would be the best triple A game of the 2010s